DayFR Euro

404 – This page does not exist

Lost on the information highway

At the time of writing, we do not know exactly what happened. We know the result: you have arrived here, on this dead end street of the Internet. You have lost your way on the well-trodden paths of the information highways. You now want to find a more useful environment: the home page seems a good solution to move forward.

Make a new start

Some roads lead to this error page

Several hypotheses can be considered. Some accuse you, others show the limits of a so-called robust, solid and well-designed digital system.

  • A personal experiment : courage – or would it be recklessness – sometimes pushes us to write a URL directly in the browser's address bar. We can't imagine the consequences of a simple typing error. We then take a detour via the Allée des Embrumes, but you just have to click on a link to find your way.
  • An external error: However, it came from a good feeling. And on this track, neither you nor I are responsible. All it takes is for an anonymous person on the web to offer an incorrect link to transport you to this page which is of no real use.
  • Professional misconduct: we plead guilty. Despite our best efforts, we may be the cause of this 404 error. Let him who has never forgotten a 301 redirect cast the first stone.

We regret this uncomfortable situation. We know you didn't want to come here. Maybe we are the cause of this misfortune, or maybe not, but it doesn't matter. Let's forget that. In every difficult moment, we can see opportunities. Get back to basics. Discover new horizons. And we can help you. All you need to do is trust us. See the big button below?

Click on it to return to home

We have to leave now

We hope it worked. You're probably nice, but we hope you're not here anymore. This page simply serves to bring you back to the home page.

Normally, at this time, we should only come across lost robots in these dead-end streets. They play an important role since they can notice the error, write a report and notify us via our intermediary, Search Console. But you're not a crawler, so what are you still doing here?

We will have tried several methods. Underlined blue links to redirect you to the home page but also large, very accessible buttons. However, we thought that the web no longer held any secrets for you, that you understood that CTA meant call-to-action and that the action consisted of…

Return to home

Are you still here?

In turn, we may have lost our way. We should perhaps have favored the first version proposed by the designers for this 404 page. An unequivocal title, little text, an obvious link to find the homepage, a discreet illustration… We wanted to embroider, open the dialogue with you , write 600 words out of habit because you understand, it's better for SEO. We have lost sight of the essential, the response to a user need. You don't want to stay here, you're looking for the home page, and yet we've been talking for several minutes already. Thanks for this moment, it was much nicer than a 500 error, but let's stop there. It's not a permanent goodbye, it's just a temporary goodbye. In a completely different situation, we would say that it's not a 301, it's a 302. Now it's time to click the big button below, to find yourself in a more welcoming environment.

Click on the big button to return to home


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