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a nanny placed in pre-trial detention after the death of a baby by asphyxiation in her home

The autopsy carried out on the baby who died at his nanny's home on September 13 in Chessy-les-Mines revealed asphyxia. The nanny was placed in pre-trial detention.

Three months after the death of a 21-month-old baby at the home of his nanny in Chessy-les-Mines, in Beaujolais, the Villefranche-sur-Saône public prosecutor's office communicates on the progress of the investigation.

“The autopsy revealed death by mechanical asphyxiation,” public prosecutor Laetitia Francart told Le Progrès.

The public prosecutor's office indicates to BFM Lyon that the nanny was “presented to an investigating judge as part of an open judicial investigation into the charge of intentional homicide of a 15-year-old minor.”

The nanny placed in pre-trial detention

She was indicted and placed in pre-trial detention. The investigations are now continuing under the authority of the investigating judge.

At the time of the events, the baby was being cared for at the home of his childminder. The latter kept several others and had around fifteen years of experience. She has no criminal record and reportedly denied being the cause of the child's death.

She was taken into custody on December 5.

A rescue operation was launched on September 13 to try to save the child's life. He was pronounced dead when caregivers arrived.

Lauriane Pelao with Florent Bascoul


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