DayFR Euro

what to remember from the 2023 EBA report?

According to the latest report from the European Biogas Association (EBA), the combined production of biogas and biomethane in Europe reached 22 billion m² in 2023 (234 TWh), representing around 7% of the European Union’s total natural gas consumption.

The biomethane sector continues to develop in Europe. Two years after the adoption of the REPower EU plan, the European Biogas Association has just published the sector’s figures for 2023. According to the report, production reached 234 TWh. This volume exceeds the total domestic natural gas demand of Belgium, Denmark and Ireland combined, accounting for 7% of the European Union (EU) natural gas consumption that year.

At these production levels, Europe could avoid the emission of 106 million tonnes of CO2 each year, provide enough renewable energy to power 19 million European homes and refuel 533,000 trucks running on natural gas.

23% of biomethane dedicated to transport

Biomethane production capacity alone reached 4.9 billion m² in 2023 (52 TWh), a jump of 17% compared to the previous year. In total, more than 200 new methanization units were opened in Europe during 2023, bringing the number of units in operation on the continent to more than 1,500.

In terms of use, 23% of the biomethane produced was used in transport, 17% in buildings, 15% for electricity production and 13% in industry. However, there are strong disparities between the different European countries, some strongly favoring biomethane for transport, others for energy.


Italy and leaders in deployment

In terms of new installed capacities, Italy is at the forefront with production of almost 8 GWh. Up 78% compared to 2022, this was driven by the multiplication of “large installations”. In second position, France recorded an increase of 31%.

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