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“We have to add up the solutions”

Jean-Luc Fugit spoke as a major political witness on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Mobilité Biogaz association (formerly AFGNV), an event organized this Tuesday, December 3 at the headquarters of IFP Energies Nouvelles. By emphasizing the complementarity of solutions, the Deputy for Rhône and President of the Higher Energy Council defended the need to rapidly defossilize while promoting alternatives such as biogas.

An emergency: defossilization

“Today, 45% of the CO₂ that we emit in our various activities is not fixed in one way or another. The problem is there. We must both reduce the quantities we emit and at the same time, we obviously need to set much more. »introduced the Deputy, pointing out the importance of making climate issues understandable to everyone.

“I’m going to talk about defossilization and not decarbonization, because it’s the only way I have to get my fellow constituents on board if I want them to understand what we’re doing. If I talk to them about decarbonization, three quarters don’t understand insisted the elected official.

“We shouldn’t have to remind ourselves of technological neutrality! »

Recalling that “clean mobility has never existed”, Jean-Luc Fugit calls for not stigmatizing a particular technology. “ We shouldn’t have to remind ourselves of technological neutrality. The objective is to defossilize. We have to add the solutions! » he insisted.

On a European scale, the Deputy for Rhône believes that the end of thermal cars, planned for 2035, is a “bad idea”. “In the LOM law, we have included the objective of putting an end to the sale of vehicles that use fossil fuels by 2030. That’s the challenge! » he recalled, emphasizing the importance of taking into account the reality and potential of the territories.


“There is something that is very poorly understood and that no one can really put into place, it is the famous life cycle analysis. This logic of analysis requires making an effort and looking at things in a global manner. Except that we are in a world of simplicity where we need things that are easy to consume”

Jean-Luc Fugit, Deputy of the Rhône

Do not oppose molecules and electrons

Jean-Luc Fugit particularly defended the role of biogas in the energy transition. “On must not oppose molecules to electrons. Once again, it is the complementarity that must be played » he insisted.

For him, the potential of renewable gas is still underestimated: “ There are 60% of livestock effluents that are not methanized today » he encrypted.

« For all those who do not want to admit that we have interesting potential with biogas, the problem is relatively simple: they have not managed to understand that biogas is not original gas. fossil » explained the elected official, inviting stakeholders in the sector to approach the various elected officials to explain and justify the potential of the solution. “ I believe that it is only under these conditions that we will be able to ensure that biogas is truly considered as one of the solutions in terms of progressive defossilization of our economy. ».

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