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Loana attacks a former Secret Story candidate who “denigrated” her

It was with her participation in Loft Story that Loana became a reality star in the early 2000s. Having gone through many ups and downs, she intends to return to the forefront now that she has recovery. Invited by Sam Zirah on his Youtube channel, the ex-Lofteuse spoke without filter. She did not mince her words about Jean-Edouard but also about Marie Garet, big winner of Secret Story 5 who made fun of the blue-eyed blonde. Sam Zirah reminded the latter that Jean-Edouard had produced an advertisement to promote his album DJ Jean-Édouardin which he recreated the legendary swimming pool scene that was the talk of the day.

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“I hate him, it’s over!” : Loana furious with Jean-Édouard from Loft Story, this sequence that she had never seen

Loana sends Jean-Edouard into trouble

Shocked to discover these images 24 years later, she lost her temper and said: “I hate him, it's over. Delete everything I told you. Fuck you! How could he use that… But no?! But it’s horrible… (…) What horror! I hate him, it's over. His excuse… Hey! [avec un doigt d’honneur]“. “Jean-Édouard, you can tell me anything. You can come on all fours, naked, with strawberries, I'll kick him in the face. How horrible to have done that…“, she concluded, still beside herself.

The ex-Lofteuse doesn’t mince his words

The Lofteur was not the only one to take it for granted since Loana was disgusted to see the way Marie Garet spoke about her. In a clip that Sam Zirah showed him, we can see the ex-reality TV candidate declare: “I have absolutely nothing against Loana, but I am a liberal nurse. I have been working since the age of 16, am doing very well psychologically and I don't particularly have any addictions. I can line up the words one behind the other. I manage to express myself. I don't have any children at DDASS.” “So what brings me closer to…

Read more on Télé 7 Jours

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