This is a difference with the binge viewing (frenzied consumption) of Netflix series! This time, it’s no longer about watching murders and disasters from the comfort of your own home, but we’re on board! The danger is there, not only for the generation that follows (that would be practical), but for ours. Here we are projected on the other side of the screen – terrified actors in the depths of a story that seemed peaceful; a story that escapes us, and seems to endanger the entire known universe. The world we lived in is dead. It was still comfortable, a universe where everything was controlled, predictable, booking.comable : a growing Europe, a global village through networks, a solid democracy, shared values…
Upright minds and frank wills
Is this world dead? Long live the new world! A new kingdom can be established. It’s all a question of criteria. Inner peace, personal and social, depends exclusively on what we decide to be the center of our lives: and what then? What is at the center of my existence? Everything threatens? Is everything falling apart? Everything changes? Well done ! Everything is shaken to its foundations – are our bearings blown? Wonderful ! It’s time for “strong, magnanimous, generous” (Félix Rallaisson). It’s time for courage. We’ll see who has a heart and who doesn’t. Who stands on his bank account, his routine, his little ways of thinking – or on the contrary lives erect among the violent waters of an existence more powerful than adversity.
When a major crisis in history breaks out, it is the time of resolute spirits and frank wills. Is a war coming? Let us sharpen our fighting spirit which was sleeping in the grease of things. Is a change coming? Let’s pump up our will, flattened by habit – let’s put into battle these tiny habits that we had of living around holidays, vacations and rest to raise our fist a little! Upheavals coming? So much the better ! Let the money, the power, the lineage, the incestuous circles where we know in the cradle what we will be in the grave – let all of this be put into the abyss. Long live chaos if it brings order to our souls. Come on, children! : it is delicious to emerge from sleep where was counted, promised, guaranteed, for the full day of a life where each moment is deserved and perhaps the last.
Arm our arms
The giants who made our history knew this adage from Plato: “What is great stands in the storm”. Will the coming hurricane smash our weakness against the wall of the inescapable, or will it force our dormant strength to fight violently while we were sound asleep?
Courage is a leap into the unknown and into solitude
What is great stands in the storm. The world is dead, long live the world. Our inner world, all riddled with consolations and comfort, will be able to be weaned away, to suddenly arise in the face of the triple unique question: What can I do? What should I do? What is the meaning of my life?
Who will create from the rubble of a known world the even more beautiful stature of a universe to dream of?
What a visionary, attracting whole crowds of young people in the United Kingdom, such as Geoff Mulgan announces under the antiphon “Another Word is possible” (another world is possible) could arm our arms in an uncertain time where the new, the unprecedented, the hitherto inconceivable, will find place as long as we roll up our sleeves and allay our fears.
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