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A hostage-taking exercise aboard a ferry off the Charente coast

From Wednesday 27 to Thursday 28 November 2024, state services mobilized significant resources as part of a joint and interministerial maritime counter-terrorism exercise, organized off the Charente coast, called “Armor 2024”. He simulated a hostage-taking on board a Ferries passenger ship, The Cotentin.

Forfusco and GIGN deployed

Conducted under the authority of the maritime prefect of the Atlantic, in conjunction with the prefect of Charente-Maritime, the exercise mobilized more than 500 people and numerous units, including specialized units such as the Army Health Service, the Maritime force of marines and commandos (Forfusco) of the national navy, the intervention group of the national gendarmerie (GIGN) and the battalion of marine firefighters of (BMPM). The support and deployment of the intervention forces was carried out using around ten helicopters from the three armies.

The exercise made it possible to experience for more than 24 hours all the decision-making and intervention chains planned for this type of event at sea and a permission teams to consolidate their know-how, their interoperability and their expertise assures the Atlantic maritime prefecture which, to carry out the interventions, had activated the defense and security crisis processing center (CTC).



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