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RTS journalists François Ruchti and Arnaud Robert receive the Suva media prize –

RTS has been awarded the Suva Media Prize twice, Switzerland’s main accident insurer announced on Thursday. François Ruchti wins the Grand Prize and the Coup de cœur Prize is awarded to Arnaud Robert.

Among the 34 works submitted this year, the jury distinguished “two particularly deserving journalistic works”, specifies Suva in a press release

These prizes aim to promote journalistic work in French relating to the prevention of accidents in professional and private activities as well as that of health disorders in general.

Speed ​​on the slopes and a slip with serious consequences

The Grand Prix, a prize worth 7,000 francs, goes to François Ruchti for his report “Top speed on the slopes”. The journalist from Mise au point gives the floor to a father whose daughter died in a collision on the slopes.

>> Watch François Ruchti’s report again:

Top speed on the slopes / Focus / 13 min. / January 28, 2024

The Coup de cœur prize, in the amount of 5,000 francs, goes to Arnaud Robert for his podcast “Arnaud”. He shares the impact of his accident in the Valais Alps, where a slip on the ice left him quadriplegic.

>> Arnaud Robert’s podcast:

Arnaud / Precipice / 46 min. / August 20, 2023




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