SNCF employees enjoy a special status in that they are affiliated to a special pension plan. It therefore seems important to take an interest in the retirement pension that a former SNCF employee can earn.
In France, certain professions are entitled to a very special pension plan. This is the case of craftsmen and also that of SNCF employees. To know the amount of the pension of an SNCF agent, you must first determine whether he or she is affiliated to the railway workers' statute or to the CNAV. Once this distinction is made, we quickly realize that it has no impact on the pension calculation parameters former SNCF employees.
What is the pension amount for a former SNCF employee?
The method of calculating the pension of former SNCF employees
The parameters of calculating the pension of retirement of SNCF agents are quite simple. In reality, these parameters are in all respects identical to those of civil servants' retirement. In other words, they are based on the index salary for the 6 months preceding the retirement of SNCF agents. The calculation formula is as follows: we take the salary of the last 6 months of the SNCF agent, we multiply it by the number of quarters required. Assuming that an SNCF employee obtains the full rate and retires with a salary of 2000 euros, so that's: 2000 x 75% x 172 / 172, which gives 1500 euros monthly pension.
A basic pension subject to increases
The retirement plan to which the former SNCF employee is affiliated is not taken into account in the parameters for calculating the basic pension, but it is decisive with regard to the increases. For information, the railway workers can benefit from an increase in their basic pension of 10% if they have raised at least three children. This percentage drops to 5% from the fourth child. Furthermore, the website specifies that railway workers are also entitled to an increase in seniority if they have completed at least 25 years of service. This seniority increase guarantees them a minimum pension of 1215.64 euros.
The intervention of the discount and the premium
As for any worker, the discount and the premium are applicable to the basic pension of railway workers. The principle remains the same, in the event of discountwe deduct 1.25% per missing quarter from the amount of a railway worker's basic pension. However, this must be done within the limit of 20 quarters. On the other hand, in the event of premium1.25% is added to the basic pension for each additional quarter, and where applicable, there is no limit. All these elements must be taken into account to determine the retirement pension of an SNCF agent.
The retirement system for SNCF agents
What is the pension fund in charge?
It may seem strange, but at present, two separate funds take care of the basic pension of railway workers. However, they do not step on each other's toes, because their area of expertise has been well defined. On the one hand, we have the Staff Provident and Retirement Fund of the SNCF which was set up in 2007 by a decree. This special regime only concerns permanent executives of the company. On the other hand, we have the CNAVit takes care of the retirement of all railway workers recruited since 1is January 2020.
The conditions of the SNCF survivor’s pension
When an SNCF agent dies, the surviving spouse or ex-spouse is entitled to a survivor's pension equal to 50% of the pension that the deceased received or could have received. Unlike what is done in other professions, there are no age or resource conditions to be met to obtain payment of the SNCF survivor's pension. On the other hand, there are indeed specific conditions to be completed as set out by
Legal retirement age
The latest pension reform, which is also the subject of a proposed repeal, had set thelegal retirement age at 64 years old. However, SNCF employees are authorized to retire before the age of 60. In fact, the sedentary SNCF agents can retire between the ages of 55 and 57. As for the train driversthey can retire from professional life between the ages of 50 and 52.
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