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what weather and temperatures on Monday, November 25?

Every day, find the weather forecast for the main cities of Provence-​Alpes-​Côte d'Azur, Corsica and their immediate surroundings on the special -​Presse page.

The city will experience several clearings throughout the day.

Today, Monday November 25

During the day, the sun will manage to regain its rights from time to time over . The mercury will be around 14°C. In the morning, outside temperatures will be around 13°C. In the afternoon, a cloudless sky will delight the people of Antibes. In the evening, the cloudy field will sometimes give way to some clearing. The lowest temperature will be 12°C, and the highest 14°C. We should expect a gloomy night between Monday and Tuesday with scattered rain.

Weather forecast in Antibes tomorrow

We will have to count on some scattered precipitation the next day. Outside temperatures will be a minimum of 12°C and a maximum of 15°C. A light wind of 7 km/​h oriented northeast will cool the atmosphere. Good weather will appear from time to time in the morning. On average, it will be 14°C. Light refreshment in the afternoon, with some sporadic rain. The lowest temperature will be 13°C and the highest 15°C. The value will be approximately 13°C in the evening.

Weather in Antibes for the next few days

Little change for the following days, with an average value of 13°C.


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