DayFR Euro

Amateur rugby – Federal 3: Nérac wins the match of fear against L’Isle-en-Dodon

M-T : 17-0.
Referee: Chest Handy.
Evolution of the score: 3-0, 10-0, 17-0 ; 17-3, 24-3, 24-8, 31-8, 31-15.
Winners: 5 E Leberon (12), Lantin (15), Mallet (55), penalty (67), Bellandi (80); 3 T and 1 P Ligneau (3).
Defeated: 2 E Navarro (59), Cazeneuve (77) ; 1 T Courreges ; 1 P Millas (46).
NERAC : Ligneau ; Chebbi, Crussiere, Cazeneuve, Nouvelot ; (o) Mallet, (m) Lantin ; Hood, David, Plank ; Bellandi (head), Caserotto ; Carrere, Genestal, Leberon. Entered: Mito, T. Plante, Van Gestel, Laporte, Mantovani, Colladello, Pipino.
ISLE-EN-DODON: Degers ; Cazeneuve, Ceron, Millas, Sarniguet ; (o) Dupuy, (m) During ; Plante, Limousin, Mahieux ; Gilbert (cap), Marty ; Gajan, Navarro, Suzes. Entered: Gajan, Berges, Boix Bo, Marrou, Lamarque, Revel.
Reserves: 44-26.


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