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Pond’Ifsi Color: a look back at a colorful day in Pontivy

The principle: a 5 km course, to be completed by running or walking. Each kilometer traveled is marked by a powder throw. Participants receive a bag containing a pair of sunglasses, a t-shirt and of course a sachet of colored powder! Several departures took place throughout the day. “This year, the start is at Poumon vert, then you have to go along the Blavet, pass next to the outdoor swimming pool, then go to the Plaine before returning to the starting point! », explains Stévan, vice-president of the Les Blouses jaunes student office.

From Pondi Color to Pond’Ifsi Color

This event was born in 2016 under the name of “Pondi Color”, an initiative of the students of the IFSI (Nursing Training Institute). With the Covid pandemic, the event had disappeared. Since last year, the second-year students have relaunched this concept under the name of “Pond’Ifsi Color”.

To finance an educational trip

“Today, there are around forty student volunteers mobilized. We had 233 registrations, but many people still register the same day,” point out the second year students who have been working on this project for several months. They were also able to count on the help of their sponsors: “We had a lot of them, notably Go Sport, for all the t-shirts and bags,” admits Stévan.

This event is intended to finance their trip which will take place next year: “The goal is to go abroad, in order to compare the health system of another country with the one we have in France, but also to study access to care”, adds the vice-president.

A departure from the Green Lung

“Two weeks ago, the town hall banned the start at La Plaine, because it’s the first weekend of the sales,” explain the students who had to rethink the route. “The place is very nice, but they should have told us earlier for the organization,” emphasizes Virginie, a student. This change of starting location was nevertheless appreciated by the participants. “It’s really nice, we’re among colleagues and with the children. The route was very pleasant and what’s more, the weather is very nice,” rejoice Émeline and Lucie.

The students were on all fronts! (Le Télégramme/Charlotte Le Balch)

Bouncy castle, pucks, cotton candy…

Several activities were set up at the green lung to the great delight of the children: “I really liked the colors, we got glasses and then the stands are so cool!”, remarked Maxence, 11 years old, who came with his mother. Indeed, the stands were varied: inflatable castle, shuffleboard games, cotton candy stand… A DJ was also present to ensure a festive atmosphere, especially during the throwing of colored powder!


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