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This is what I realized after being harassed for years”

The choice of first name of a child to come is a difficult exercise for many future parents. Two camps confront each other. There are those who prefer to play “safe” by sticking to usual first names, and then there are those who try the originality card at all costs. On TikTok, a young woman testified to her bad experience
experienced because of parents in the second category.

Like a 2.0 therapy, this American woman decided to post a video on these social networks to tell Internet users about her misfortunes. The latter explained in particular that she had been bullied during her youth because of unusual first name given by his parents.

A woman testifies on her TikTok account about the school harassment she suffered because of her first name

Although this first name is not worst of allthis earned him a lot of teasing at school. “Me, when my parents decided to call me Aphrodite and then send me to public school as a below average looking child.”she explains.

With a first name like that, it’s a safe bet that his parents were
Greek mythology fans. Aphrodite,
daughter of Zeus and Dione, is the famous
love godess and fertility. Unfortunately, this origine divine will not have impressed his little classmates.

crédit photo : Shutterstock The young woman claims to have been harassed at school because of her original first name.

Her video went viral and she received many messages of support: “They found the right name…”

However, today, with 3 million views
and 600,000 likes, the TikToker seems to have finally reached her
goddess status. The pretty brunette has indeed received many messages of support from Internet users, highlighting its beauty.

“But actually, you’re gorgeous, so they found the right name.”said one of them. Another assures: “I don’t know what you looked like as a kid, but you definitely are living up to your name
. A third declares: “You’re not below average!” You are beautiful !

This feminine first name of Greek origin is very rare

All these kind messages may not have erased these
years of sufferingbut they must have certainly pleased Aphrodite. The young woman also understood that this whole period had been only a “exercise of
character development »
. It must be said that this first name with European accents is very rare in the United States. It is also in France: in 2020, no
new born didn’t have that first name.

crédit photo : Shutterstock
Now an adult, the young woman fully assumes her first name.

In any case, let our Aphrodite of the day put things into perspective, some parents sometimes have a much more overflowing imagination than his own. In France,
babies were almost named Titeuf, Mini-Cooper, Dilleur or even Anal… Fortunately, the civil registry keeps a close eye on birth declarations.


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