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Minister Monazard calls for open collaboration to overcome economic challenges

Minister Monazard calls for frank collaboration between the private sector and government to overcome the economic challenges facing the country.

The Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, James Monazard, recently participated in a lunch meeting organized by the Haiti Tourist Association (ATH) to discuss the revival of the national economy. This event brought together representatives of the private sector, the government, the Presidential Transitional Council, as well as associations working in the economic field. The objective of this meeting was to promote close and constructive collaboration to meet current economic challenges.

In his address, Minister Monazard stressed the importance of a frank and continuous dialogue between the private sector and the ministries he leads. He presented the main points of his program focused on an inclusive and collaborative approach aimed at revitalizing the Haitian economy. The Minister reaffirmed his commitment to creating a favorable business environment and to working tirelessly to establish solid and sustainable economic foundations.

During this meeting, Minister Monazard also highlighted the indispensable support of the Presidential Transitional Council and Prime Minister Gary Conille. He stressed that economic recovery requires close cooperation between the government and the private sector, highlighting the need for synergy to implement effective and sustainable reforms, for the benefit of the entire population.

The discussions made it possible to discuss various problems and possible solutions, thus providing a platform for direct dialogue between key players in the national economy. Topics such as current obstacles and future opportunities were discussed, highlighting a common desire to overcome the economic challenges facing Haiti.

One of the highlights of this meeting was the discussion around the new tax code, which will come into force on October 1st. The participants had the opportunity to clarify certain aspects of this reform and to consider its implications for the private sector. This luncheon was therefore an important moment of reflection and consultation on the economic future of the country.

In the field of tourism, Minister Monazard reassured the members of the Haitian Tourist Association (ATH) by affirming his continued support for the revival of this key sector. He highlighted the need to develop new promotion and marketing strategies to attract foreign tourists. The Minister also highlighted the need to improve the country’s tourism infrastructure, such as accommodation, transportation and security.

Minister Monazard reaffirmed his commitment to working closely with all stakeholders to overcome the current economic challenges. He invited members of the Haiti Tourist Association (ATH) to continue to actively participate in discussions and actions aimed at promoting tourism and stimulating the country’s economic growth.

This meeting between Minister Monazard and key players in the national economy helped strengthen collaboration and the common will to overcome the economic challenges facing Haiti. Through constructive dialogue and an inclusive approach, the country is on the path to economic recovery and sustainable development.

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Prime Minister Garry Conille will make his first official visit to the United States after taking office on June 11.


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