DayFR Euro

ticket prices increased much more than expected last year! SNCF did not keep its promises

While inflation continues to weigh on household budgets, the SNCF has just announced an increase in the prices of its TGV tickets by 7% on average in 2023, far exceeding its initial commitments. A difficult pill to swallow for rail users who always have to pay even more for their journeys, without any improvement in travel conditions (or even a certain deterioration)…

TGV still more expensive despite promises of price moderation

Last December, Jean-Pierre Farandouthe CEO of SNCF, had committed to limiting TGV fare increases to a maximum of 5% in 2023 to take into account the delicate economic situation.

A broken promise since the average increase will ultimately reach 7% according to the latest figures published by theTransport Regulatory Authority (ART).

A figure well above inflation, estimated at 4.8% over one year. The SNCF justifies this price catch-up by the need to compensate for the sharp drop in attendance and revenue linked to the health crisis.But for travellers, it is a new blow which will further erode their already damaged purchasing power.

The low-cost OUIGO offer is not immune to the surge in prices

Even the trains OUIGOsupposed to be a cheap alternative, are experiencing galloping inflation of 10%! Enough to dampen the hopes of those who were counting on this offer to travel cheaper this summer. ART also notes that the fuller the trains are, the higher the bill becomes for customers..

First of all, the number of TGVs in circulation has decreased with the numerous strikesfurther degrading the service provided to users who pay more for fewer available trains. In short, the cocktail is bitter for purchasing power in transport.

The train is on the rise but prices are soaring

Paradoxically, This price increase comes at a time when the train is experiencing real popularity, with travelers favoring this economical and ecological means of transport.A European trend from which the SNCF could have benefited by attracting even more customers.

But by dint of soaring its prices, it leaves the field open to foreign competition, often cheaper and more qualitative, which nibbles away at market share in France. In this little game, the French TGV risks derailing and users paying the price. A real challenge for the national company.

Source photo : katatonia –

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