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Prices of comics in France: what changes on July 1, 2024 (mainly Urban Comics and Delcourt)

At the end of last year, we took stock of the price changes on January 1, 2024 for comic albums sold by publishing houses members of the SNE. In conclusion, we will see you in July for the continuation of this follow-up. Indeed, these publishers use a price code that can be modified only twice in a year: either on January 1st or on July 1st.

In general, we have been able to observe the gradual increase in the price of comics over the last few years, between the consequences of the Covid crisis on the cost of raw materials, then those of the war in Ukraine, but also of inflation. Consequence: since everything costs more in the production of books (raw materials, energy, transport), the selling price also ends up being affected. Here are the main changes that will take place from July 1 – next Monday at the time of publication of this article.

+ 1€

The SNE has announced its new price list for comic book publishing houses, with a yellow indication on their communication media of the new price codes created by the publishers, and those that have been modified. For this July 1, 2024, two things will be noted:

  • On the one hand, a general increase in tariffs on publications ofUrban Comics. We note the appearance of new codes such as UB49 (€45.00) in addition to UB47 (€42) already noted at the beginning of the year (and which concerns large formats Urban with the highest pagination), but also a UB02 (€4.90) which was not yet present in their grid – and which suggests a future low-cost operation. Moreover, all the codes ofUrban Comics takes an increase of 1€.
  • On the other hand, a price increase on quite a few references Delcourtsome of which are in the price ranges of the collection Smuggling ; the latter had held on over the last few years, but the effort could not first no longer be maintained. Note however that the increase is lower – between €0.45 and €0.55 in general on price codes that change.

We will also note quite a bit of yellow on the side of other publishing houses in the same group (Soleil for Delcourt, Dargaud and le Lombard for Média-Participations); in other words, since these changes will be effective (and generally retroactive on albums already released), we can only advise you to do some shopping this weekend.


Arno Kikoo
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