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Ophélie (MAPR) apologizes to Loïc after her remarks were deemed inappropriate: “He’s someone who…”

79% compatible, according to experts Married at first sight, Ophélie and Loïc had decided to tie the knot in Gibraltar. Despite everything, the chemistry was not there.
If the young man seems to have had love at first sight for his new companion, the latter was rather on the reserve. Especially since the volunteer firefighter didn’t really match his physical criteria.

However, the beautiful blonde had given him a chance. Unfortunately, his shyness was an obstacle to their rapprochement. During their honeymoon in Portugal, he was indeed struggling to have real conversations with his wife. And although the candidates of MAPR season 8 made the choice to stay married during the assessment, they are no longer a couple today.

“He is someone who is very intelligent”

Recently, Ophélie was the guest of blogger Sam Zirah. The opportunity for her to take stock of her participation in the M6 ​​romance program. An experiment that did not have the desired effect. And inevitably, the real estate account manager returned to her far from idyllic relationship with Loïc.

During the interview, the woman who was contacted by Bastos made comments considered inappropriate against her ex-husband. And this Thursday, June 27, 2024, the main person concerned made things clear. She apologized to the young man.

I just wanted to correct something about the interview I did with Sam Zirah where at one point I said that for me curiosity is proof of intelligence. It’s something I think but in no case was it aimed at Loïc because for me, he’s someone who is very intelligent so I don’t see why I would say that about him.

And to add:

It may have been awkward, it was very important for me to rectify that because I don’t want him to think that I’m denigrating him or anything because that’s not the case at all.

Anyway, the young woman seems to have turn the page of his story with the co-founder of an ambulance company. In fact, she would have distanced herself from the man who was her husband for a few months.

We are no longer in contact much, our paths have separated a little, there is no particular reason, it is what it is. We are both very different in our characters and our way of thinking.

Despite everything, Ophélie hopes that Loïc will one day find a woman who suits him.

I have no bitterness towards him, I wish him lots of happiness and I hope he finds someone who will understand him and who will be truly compatible with him.

That is clear.


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