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To save Lake Rose, initiatives are multiplying at the local and state levels. Because the time has come to restore the course to its unique shine.

Heavily impacted in recent years both in its appearance and in the activities around it, Lake Rose is at the heart of various concerns.

The transport of large quantities of rainwater during the last two winters has indeed seriously damaged the environment around Lake Retba. And, to revive the water point, a process leading to its reclassification as an urban natural zone has been launched by the Ministry of the Environment and Ecological Transition. A workshop was held to this end on Tuesday, in a local hotel. “We are here to begin the process of reclassifying Lake Retba, commonly known as Lac Rose, as an urban nature reserve (…)

The objective of the workshop is to involve local actors who intervene directly and indirectly on the site so that they can validate the project and take ownership of it,” noted, on the sidelines of the meeting, Paul Moïse Diédhiou, deputy director of National Parks. This phase, which Mr. Diédhiou wants to be as participatory and inclusive as possible, took place in the presence of the sub-prefect of Sangalkam, the mayor of Tivaouane Peulh-Niagues, Momar Sokhna Diop, customary authorities and stakeholders intervening around Lake. “For 3 years, we have noticed that the lake is no longer pink. The problem of Lac Rose is an upstream problem. In recent years, there has been excess drainage of rainwater to Lake Rose. It is this drainage that has diluted the lake water, in addition to other elements. This has contributed to degrading the lake both in terms of beauty and salt production as well as tourist activities,” said the mayor of the town, rejoicing at the reclassification underway.

According to him, the first action to take is to retain upstream the rainwater which came by gravity from surrounding areas. Other problems are also occurring on the site and the workshop will have to diagnose them to draw the right conclusions. “There will be a diagnosis because the actors who will intervene will talk about it. In this diagnosis, we will first look at the problems that caused the change in the lake. Then, we will find solutions together, in an inclusive and participatory manner,” highlighted Paul Moïse Diédhiou, indicating that all stakeholders will be involved from the beginning to the end of the process. The objective of this reclassification is, according to him, to restore Lac Rose to its former glory.


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