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Urgent product recall in all Leclerc supermarkets due to contamination, it concerns ham

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Leclerc is such a popular brand that consumers think it is safe from any product recall. But they are wrong. In fact, all major retail brands could, one day, be on Rappel Conso.

This government platform, since 2019, centralizes all information concerning product recalls. Auchan, Lidl, Action, Leclerc and Carrefour, here are examples of supermarkets and hypermarkets that have already reported recalls to the platform. This is why the French must get into the habit of consulting it regularly. Every day in France, there are on average 11 reminders.

Leclerc: a brand that builds customer loyalty

Leclerc is a brand that has enjoyed enormous success. It is a major player in food distribution in France, with a network of 544 members and 734 storess. Every day, thousands of customers visit stores to do their shopping.

The proof in numbers. Between 2015 and 2022, we see that Leclerc’s sales have continued to increase, with a record for the year 2022. This allows Leclerc to be, in 2021, the second largest food retailer, just behind Carrefour.

To have
Leclerc, Carrefour…. These cheeses are the subject of a massive recall, they are contaminated with E Coli

In 2022, Leclerc’s turnover is 43.9 billion excluding fuel, and 55.6 billion with fuel. However, although it is a success, it is not uncommon to find the brand on the Rappel Conso platform. The proof is still there today.

A Leclerc ham that you should not eat

Leclerc stores have just launched a recall for a batch of ham contaminated with Listeria bacteria. This ham, from the Brient brand, was distributed throughout France between June 18 and 25, 2024

The product in question is a superior AC smoked cooked ham. This is specifically batch 000011267686, with a use-by date of July 25, 2024. This ham was sold in the cut section of Leclerc stores.

Consumption of products contaminated with Listeria presents serious health risks. Symptoms may include fever, headache, and body aches. We recommend that you consult a doctor if these symptoms appear, especially for pregnant women, immunocompromised people and the elderly, who are more vulnerable. Listeriosis, the infection caused by Listeria, can be serious and its incubation can last up to eight weeks, as Rappel Conso reminds us.

The steps to follow for consumers

So, if you have this ham in your possession, do not consume it. For any additional information, you can contact the following number: 07 63 20 05 03. To obtain a refund, it is necessary to return the product before the end of the recall procedure on July 25, 2024.

To have
Urgent recall throughout France at Leclerc and Intermarché for these foods contaminated with E Coli, these are mussels

You do not need the Leclerc receipt to prove your purchase if you come with the ham. Otherwise, you must present it. If you are used to shopping at Leclerc, Please be aware that the brand is not immune to such procedures. On the contrary, they are even regular.

We therefore invite you to read our articles on the subject. In addition, make a habit of visiting the Rappel Conso platform at least once a week.


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