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July 14: Fireworks are a danger for your pets, be careful!

If you have a dog, avoid taking it with you during the July 14 fireworks display! Indeed, the fear of the noise of the latter can frighten animals, make them flee, or even kill them.

To see the July 14 fireworks as a family, it’s ideal! But it is strongly recommended not to don’t take the dog family to attend. If he can easily attend the other activities put in place for the national holiday, the noise fireworks could scare him, pushing him to fleebut it could also have a cardiac arrest. It is therefore better to leave at home rather than testing his reaction to the fireworks.

Furthermore, if your home is very close to a fireworks display, it is advisable tokeep your animal away, by going for a walk in the opposite direction, or staying with him at home to reassure him. Because even at home, a dog can panic when hearing this unusual noise, which he could take as a threat, especially since his hearing is sharper than ours. Indeed, in the wild, loud noise represents a danger for animals and even if it grew up in the city, theprimitive instinct your dog’s temper takes over, causing him to run away to protect himself.

Many pets disappear every year during the fireworks that delight humans. If possible, also keep your chats inside during the fireworks. If you must leave them home alone, close your windows and curtains and turn on the radio or television to reduce external noise.

Fireworks on July 13 and 14, 2024 in Paris and Île-de-France: the program
National Day is celebrated in France on July 14 and for the occasion, the Paris region is ready for the celebration. In Paris and Ile-de-France, a rich program of festivities awaits you on July 13 and 14, 2024, including the traditional fireworks! [Lire la suite]


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