DayFR Euro

FOR or AGAINST fireworks?

THE As invite you to debate! We present you with a subject that divides adults, teenagers and children. You will read arguments FOR and AGAINST this proposal. After reading, you will have enough information to form your own opinion! The topic of the hour: fireworks.

Who says Canada Day, says outdoor celebrations and… fireworks! Oh oh ! This is where things can go wrong. Because if some people like these explosive shows, others would like them to be banned.

Pro: It’s spectacular!

When it comes to things that make us ooh and aah, fireworks are hard to beat! They’re huge, they’re loud, they’re very impressive. For a big celebration, they’re perfect!

Pro: It’s an art form

Not just anyone can make a beautiful fireworks display. It requires expertise. And to create a real show, arrange the effects, the colors and synchronize it all with music (in some cases), it requires a lot of practice!

Pros: It’s a great way to bring people together to celebrate.

When you attend a fireworks display, you experience this event with several people. If you have attended the eclipse, you know what I am talking about. We share a special moment with our family, our friends, our neighbors.

Against: It’s dangerous

It is possible to buy fireworks in a store. But these are explosives that can cause very serious injuries if not handled correctly. And that’s without mentioning the risks of fire and forest fires. It is for these reasons that fireworks are banned in some cities.

Against: It is polluting

The particles that are thrown into the air by fireworks are bad for human health and the environment. Air quality is affected by the metals used to color the fireworks. The particles also pollute the water into which they fall.

Cons: It’s noisy!

Some firecracker enthusiasts disturb neighbors all summer long. The noise also has an impact on animals, which may, for example, run away and abandon their babies.

It’s up to you to discuss it with your family members this weekend. You can even vote after the debate!

Caroline Bouffard, The Aces of Info

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