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American presidential election: Trump – Biden, a worrying first debate

Joe Biden and his predecessor faced off on CNN on Thursday, June 27, in the first duel of the American presidential campaign. The tired American president failed to silence concerns about his age in the face of an incoherent but combative Donald Trump, who, as usual, multiplied his lies.

The two American presidential candidates engaged in a sluggish duel on Thursday on the CNN set in Atlanta (Georgia, Southeast). Inflation, immigration, abortion or Ukraine… The two candidates debated on expected topics. Joe Biden never really managed to assert himself, even if he gained a little ease as the debate progressed.

“Inflation is killing our country”Donald Trump immediately stated extremely at ease, assuring that his rival was doing “bad job”despite robust growth and strong employment. The 81-year-old Democrat attacked a subject that he knows is delicate for the billionaire, reproaching him for his action.terrible” against abortion rights. He also accused Donald Trump of “to lie” by asserting that illegal immigration was causing crime to soar.

The Democrat recalled that the Republican was a “criminal”after being found guilty in a case of hidden payments to a former porn actress. He also accused him of having encouraged the Capitol riots on January 6, 2021. “I did not do anything wrong”replied the former president, indicted in several other cases, affirming that the judicial system was “rigged”.

Donald Trump claimed that his rival was not “not cut” to be president, and presented him as a weak leader. The former president, aged 78, also challenged Joe Biden to submit to a “cognitive test”boasting that he himself had spent two and that he had “shines”.

The American media are reporting a wave of “panic“among the Democrats, four months before the election and approximately six weeks before the convention supposed to inaugurate the president. For the moment, however, no heavyweight in the Democratic Party has publicly relayed this feeling.

I can do the job“… The day after the debate, Joe Biden tried to silence the little music about a possible withdrawal of his presidential candidacy, after this calamitous debate against Donald Trump which deeply shook his supporters.

I don’t speak as easily as I used to, I don’t speak as fluently as I used to, I don’t debate as well as I used to“, acknowledged the 81-year-old Democrat, at a rally in Raleigh, North Carolina.

“I give you my Biden word. I would not run again if I did not believe, with all my heart and soul, that I could do this job.”

Joe Biden – outgoing president of the United States

The leader subsequently received the strong support of Barack Obama, who remains one of the most respected voices in the Democratic Party. “Bad debates happen“, swept the former president, ensuring that this election”remained a choice“between someone”who fought all his life for the common people” et Donald Trump, “who only cares about himself.“. For his part, the Republican declared this Friday that he “do not believe” that Biden is going to throw in the towel.

The debate hosted by CNN attracted 48 million viewers, according to the Nielsen institute.Joe Biden, a good man, a good president, is in no position to run for re-election“, wrote this Friday an editorialist for the New York Times, Thomas Friedman, even saying that he had “cry“in front of his performance”ami” Joe Biden.

Even Donald Trump’s supporters were careful not to add any more.”The guy almost hurt me. Trump ate him alive“, commented Paul Meade, a 65-year-old retiree met by AFP in Chesapeake, Virginia, where the 78-year-old billionaire is expected early this afternoon.

Vice President Kamala Harris herself acknowledged that Joe Biden had made a start.laborious“but felt he was finished”in strength“faced with an opponent who has made numerous false statements without ever losing his calm or his aplomb.

The 59-year-old Democrat is obviously on the list of those who could replace Joe Biden in the event of his withdrawal before November, along with those of a few prominent Democratic governors, such as Gavin Newsom in California or Gretchen Whitmer in Michigan.


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