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Death of Émile: the little boy’s death certificate signed, what does that really mean?

On July 8, France learned that a little boy aged 2 and a half had disappeared in Haut-Vernet (Alpes-de-Haute-Provence). For months, investigators and village residents searched for little Émile, without success. The investigation stalled for a long time, until a hiker found the little boy’s bones in March, in a forest near his home. Numerous analyzes have been carried out to understand the causes of little Émile’s death, without result.

This Friday, June 28, BFM DICI confirmed that the little boy’s death certificate was finally signed by the mayor, François Balique, in the presence of a police officer and at the request of the investigating judges. A very important signature in the eyes of Émile’s parents. It remains a mere formality for investigators, since it changes nothing in the continuation of the investigation. But what does this signed death certificate bring to the parents? They will not be able to recover Émile’s bones or his clothes since it is a simple administrative act. On the other hand, with this certificate, his family members will be able to take care of the administrative and civil procedures.

The investigation into Émile’s death still active

The news site said the investigation into what might have happened when the boy disappeared and how he died is continuing. According to the latest information given by a source close to the investigation to BFMTV on June 21, a theory has been put in place and it is, to say the least, astonishing. Indeed, the hypothesis that he disappeared alone, in the forest, would now seem improbable in the eyes of the police. “If we were certain that the child was lost, we would stop everything. And we are not at all that certain. We are far from it and we are still working to not let anything slip through the cracks.”, explained this source. A hypothesis which therefore suggests that a person would be involved in this disappearance, and perhaps even in the death of the little boy. But for now, the police are continuing their investigation, and will have to decide on the usefulness – or not – of pursuing this theory. The circumstances of Émile’s death therefore still remain very mysterious.

Article written with the collaboration of 6Medias

Photo credits: TF1 screen capture


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