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the boy’s death certificate officially signed by the mayor of Le Vernet

The death certificate of little Emile, who disappeared in July 2023 in Vernet (Alpes-de-Haute-Provence), was signed this Friday, June 28, 2024 by the mayor of the town, we learned BFMTV et Provence . This signature comes three months after the little boy’s bones were found on a village path.

As the continuous news channel points out, this signature, which allows certain administrative procedures to be initiated, does not allow the child’s parents to recover his or her bones and clothes. “The analyses are not finished “, justified Jean-Luc Blachon, the public prosecutor of Aix-en-Provence, on June 21.

Emile’s skull found on March 30

The little boy had disappeared in Haut-Vernet late in the afternoon on July 8. Significant resources had quickly been deployed to try to find him: citizen roundups, sweep operations; searches of all the buildings in the hamlet, without success.

It was only on March 30 that a skull which turned out to be that of the little boy was found by a walker on a path in Haut-Vernet. A discovery which, however, did not make it possible to determine the causes of the child’s death.


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