DayFR Euro

Lannion emergencies regulated: the CGT of Sdis evokes a suspicious death

On Friday, June 28, in order to denounce the continued regulation of night emergencies, the Lannion-Trestel Hospital Defense Committee burst into the supervisory board. It was during this action that Sébastien Guégan, CGT elected to the board of directors of Sdis 22, spoke. “I am announcing to you, we are going to send a letter to the Saint-Brieuc public prosecutor’s office to denounce a situation,” he declared.
“There has been a death in Trégor in recent weeks. We are not judging and we are not asserting anything, but our union organization believes that there may be a cause and effect link with the regulation of emergencies. This is a real question that must be asked and we are obliged to make this report. The duty of confidentiality prohibits me from saying more.”

“We fear further deterioration”

This letter also aims to clarify the union’s doubts about the effectiveness of emergency medical care. “It is up to the public prosecutor’s office to conduct an investigation or not.”
Since the start of the regulation, the union representative has repeatedly raised the alarm about the situation in Trégor, and more broadly in the department. “We fear further deterioration during the summer,” he added. “Every night, patients have to be transported to the centres in Morlaix, Saint-Brieuc, Paimpol and Guingamp. Whereas in normal times, they would have been transferred to Lannion. Even during the day, patients from the Tréguier catchment area are transported to Paimpol,” recalls Sébastien Guégan. With the work currently being carried out on the Lézardrieux bridge, emergency services have to make a detour via Pontrieux to get to Paimpol, further complicating their intervention.

Contacted regarding the report to the public prosecutor’s office, the management of Sdis 22 “is not able to affirm or deny this information. »


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