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Facing Trump, Biden’s disastrous debate revives the question of his withdrawal from the presidential election

Officially, Joe Biden had a cold, those around him said, without really convincing. It would be better for him if there had been a cold. Because, otherwise, the campaign promises to be very long, between now and the election on November 5. The outgoing president’s performance was so disastrous that it caused, at certain moments, embarrassment among those who watched the first presidential debate on Thursday evening in the studios of CNN in Atlanta (Georgia).

For Joe Biden, 81, the whole challenge was to reassure America about its physical and intellectual fitness, and therefore its ability to run for a new term. It missed ! With a hoarse voice, swallowing his words or searching for them altogether, eyes closed and mouth half open, the Democratic candidate appeared much older than his Republican rival, only three years younger.

Trump controlled himself

Opposite, Donald Trump did Donald Trump, but with less aggression. Helped by the rules of the debate, which required short answers of less than two minutes and which cut off the microphone when the opponent had the floor, the volcanic spieler did not react immediately with forceful insults, as he did four years ago. And if he did, no one heard him…

Trump, on the other hand, was able to tell his lies with impunity. As is often the case, and not only in the United States, journalists played the role of microphone pass-alongs, without ever correcting them. Whether on the entry of terrorists in the United States because of Biden’s migration policy, on the abolition by the Supreme Court of the federal right to abortion that all Americans were demanding or even the presidential election stolen in 2020… On this subject, Donald Trump also refused to commit to recognizing the results of the upcoming election.


Biden at least told voters the truth , noted the New York Times. The problem is that he Did nothing to change his mind [ceux] who believe that he is no longer up to the task and many Americans will not pay attention to whether his ideas and actions were the right ones.

This formal disaster sent part of the Democratic camp into panic. Dismay competed with sadness on social networks. Four months before the election, the question of the President withdrawing in favor of another candidate is coming back in force. As for the heavyweights of the party, it is for the moment radio silence. For how long ?

Who instead of Biden?

All eyes are on Vice President Kamala Harris, who herself acknowledged that Joe Biden had a start to the debate laborious before finishing in strength . Or even towards the governors of California Gavin Newsom or Michigan Gretchen Whitmer.

Two months before the Democratic convention in Chicago (August 19 to 22) where the approximately 4,000 delegates have pledged to endorse Joe Biden, for lack of alternative during the primary, the President and his close guard retain control. Only a renunciation by Joe Biden can lead to a open convention who would choose another name; or even her resignation from the White House which would make the new president Kamala Harris an unavoidable Democratic candidate.


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