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This weekend, come and take part in the charity day against Rett’s disease to help Polina, 7 years old, in La Brigue

This Saturday, June 29, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., the Attrape-Rett association is organizing a charity day around Rett disease, which affects Polina, 7 years old, daughter of Jessica and Edouard. The parents of the little girl, who have acquaintances in La Brigue, contacted the town hall, which gave them a room to organize the day.

Where and when ?

In La Brigue, this Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., at the Chapiteau de la Brigue. Admission is free.

The planned activities?

Several discovery workshops around dance will be offered. At 10 a.m., a first body expression workshop reserved for adults and seniors will be held, followed by a tap dancing workshop at 11 a.m. (from 8 years old), a Capoeira workshop at 2 p.m. (from 6 years old) and a parent/child dance workshop (from 3 years old) at 3 p.m. A participatory show is planned for 4 p.m. A refreshment bar will be run on site by the CCAS and the La Brigue festival committee and will offer pans bagnats, crepes and drinks. The money raised will be donated to the Attrape-Rett which supports Polina and “more generally, people affected by this rare genetic disease or by other multiple disabilities so that they can move forward”the association specifies on its website.

Why go there?

To better understand what this rare genetic disease is. “The idea is to raise awareness of multiple disabilities, to show that research is progressing, that there is hope… even if it costs a lot.“, explains Jessica. Also, understand the daily life of Polina and her family who support her. A small stand of children’s books will also be offered.


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