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What to remember from the debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump? –

The American presidential elections are getting ready. A debate was organized between Joe Biden and Donald Trump this night, French time. What to remember? Response with Gérald Olivier, Franco-American journalist.

Joe Biden’s Debate Disaster

“A disaster for Joe Biden. Donald Trump was good without being excellent. But the question we had to ask was why a debate now? We are 130 days away from the election. There have been debates before. Generally, it is in October. There it is before summer. The national conventions have not even taken place yet, but they are the ones that formalize the investiture of the candidates” explains Gérald Olivier, Franco-American journalist, on Sud Radio, about the debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

The reason according to him?There are still doubts on the Democratic side about Joe Biden’s candidacy. There is the problem of his age, the problem of his intellectual and cognitive abilities. Within the Democratic camp, there are finally people who are not in favor of Joe Biden’s candidacy. I think that if Joe Biden had a subpar performance during this debate, he showed that he was not capable of being a candidate or president. This is what will happen now” he adds.

Who to replace the American president?

It is true that during this debate, we have a Joe Biden who is searching for his words, very weak, weakened. A Donald Trump who humiliated him on several occasions and who emerged as the big winner from this debate.Joe Biden beat Trump in 2020. He beat him once, he can beat him a second time. He is the current president. Who constitutionally can run for a second term. But there is a very clear decline of the American president. This was seen last night at the Landing ceremonies in France. This is evident as soon as he makes a television appearance” says Gérald Olivier.

We saw an old man in difficulty. He was unable to be clear from his first sentences. He was unable to clarify his thoughts, to be clear. His start to the debate was a disaster. He barely caught up yesterday. Democrats thought for a while that he could hold his own. The answer is no. It’s becoming more and more obvious.” concludes the journalist.

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