DayFR Euro

European funds. In Cornwall, the call for projects is launched, 1.2 million euros to be shared

1.2 million euros to share. In Cornouaille, the new European Leader programme to support projects in rural areas has been launched. Financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD), implemented by Quimper Cornouaille Développement (QCD), the programme is just waiting for the projects. “We support seven to eight per year”explains Marc Andro, deputy vice-president of Quimper Cornouaille Développement and president of the Leader committee.

Who are the project leaders?

The program is intended for the seven communities of municipalities in the territory: Quimper Western Brittany, Community of communes of Cap-Sizun/Pointe du Raz, Douarnenez Community, Concarneau Cornouaille Agglomération, Haut Pays Bigouden, Pays Bigouden Sud, Pays fouesnantais.

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“They can be communities, public structures, associations, companies. Projects must meet at least four of the six selection criteria validated by the committee.

Partnership and cooperation, ecological and energy transitions, innovation and exemplarity, solidarity and social ties, project economy and sustainability, territorial anchoring in response to the challenges of the rural world.

What is the philosophy of the program?

It is based on four axes. Promote proximity and solidarity in rural areas, diversify and create new economic activities, maintain the active population residing in rural communities, support stakeholders in ecological transitions.

How much is the aid?

On the financing side, “the minimum aid is €8,000 per project and can reach a maximum of €75,000. The EAFRD can only intervene in return for other public aid.” The 2014-2022 Leader program was able to finance 56 projects for a total of €2,112,753. The last ones are in progress until the end of 2024.


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