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Marine Le Pen “stunned” by the comments of RN deputy Roger Chudeau on binational ministers

The outgoing president of the National Rally group in the National Assembly considered that this statement “is totally contrary to the project” of her party.

Marine Le Pen distances herself from her elected official. Invited on CNews this Friday, June 28, two days before the first round of the early legislative elections, the outgoing president of the National Rally group in the National Assembly said she was “stunned” by the words of Roger Chudeau, RN deputy for Loir- and-Dear. The latter estimated the day before on BFMTV that a member of the government could not be binational because this posed a “problem of dual loyalty”.

“I am a little stunned that our colleague Roger Chudeau can express a personal opinion which is totally contrary to the project of the National Rally,” she said.

“We were able to consider this solution in the past, and I gave up on it several years ago,” she defended. “I realized that dual nationals felt a form of suspicion of disloyalty towards France and that I found that deeply unfair. The love that one has for one’s country does not depend on the fact of having or not having dual nationality.”

Regarding a possible sanction for the MP, Marine Le Pen did not indicate whether or not the latter would be disinvested by the far-right party. “I think that Jordan Bardella will not leave things as they are,” she said, relying on the president of the National Rally.

Najat Vallaud-Belkacem taken to task

Asked about the jobs that the National Rally would prohibit citizens with dual nationality from having if they came to power, Roger Chudeau mentioned ministerial jobs, citing a “specific example.”

“Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, Franco-Moroccan, what did she do? She destroyed the public middle school and above all she wanted to institute Arabic classes in CP,” he said.

In fact, the former minister wanted to encourage the learning of a foreign language from CP onwards, not necessarily Arabic.

“She herself said that she was a sort of gateway, a bridge, between the Kingdom of Morocco and France. She claimed it as a quality,” he added, referring more generally to “a problem of dual loyalty at a given moment.”

He thus considered that the appointment of Najat Vallaud-Belkacem to Education (2014-2017) “was a mistake, and not a good thing for the Republic”. And added that “ministerial positions must be held by French-French people, period”. Before specifying on social networks that this position was “a strictly personal opinion” which “does not commit the RN in any way”.

The RN, the frontrunner in Sunday’s legislative elections, announced at the beginning of the week its wish to “prevent” people with dual nationality from occupying “extremely sensitive jobs” the list of which will be defined “by decree”. The party leader, Jordan Bardella, took the example of a nuclear power plant manager and MP Sébastien Chenu mentioned “around fifty positions”, in sectors “particularly linked to security and defence”.

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