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“What we are”: before the legislative elections, the editorial staff of Center France reaffirm their values

Center France, and all the newspapers and publications that make it up, including yours, is an independent press group, built on powerful historical pillars: humanism, openness, listening. On a daily basis, we ensure that all points of view can be expressed in our columns. We believe in the virtues of dialogue and nuance. This is the meaning of the newspaper that we offer you every day. There is no journalism without attention to others and no voice should be excluded.

Democratic foundations under threat

In recent weeks, alliance games have triggered a dizzying recomposition of the political landscape. The European elections were marked by a surge of the extreme right unprecedented in the history of the Fifth Republic. A feverish sense of urgency has taken hold of our country while the early legislative elections open up an unknown horizon. The very foundations of our democratic life are under threat.

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Clear about our values

What will come out of it on July 7? Only you, who will go to the polls this Sunday, are the judges. For our part, we owe it to you to be perfectly clear about the values ​​that guide us and those in which we do not find ourselves. Those in which your newspaper would lose its essence.

Indeed, there are lines that we consider insurmountable: racism, anti-Semitism, everything that contributes to exclusion and division. However, never has the risk been greater of seeing these ideas become the majority in the National Assembly.

We are convinced that the values ​​we share with many are a common good to be cherished. It is on this foundation that we build society. In our eyes, extremist ideas, chimerical promises, aggressive invectives, seriously weaken this ambition. This is why it seems essential to us to call for them not to win.

The editorial offices of the Centre France group
Publication management


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