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Amy Greene: “Joe Biden is seen as someone who is no longer who he was four years ago”

Face to face Thursday evening, Donald Trump, 78 years old, Republican and former head of the American state; and Joe Biden, 81 years old, Democrat, current tenant of the White House. Can we say who won this debate?It’s indeed not Joe Biden, in any case. We can say that this evening in the United States, this morning in France, there is panic on board among the Democrats. So, if we consider an exercise purely on form, we can consider that Donald Trump was much more convincing than Joe Biden, because in fact, Joe Biden only reopened the debates on his real weaknesses“, analyzes Amy Greene, teacher and specialist in American politics.

“Joe Biden’s performance has aggravated fears”

And among these weaknesses: his age. “Since the beginning of this candidacy, the Democratic Party, the electoral base, young Democrats, but not only, have been really worried about the advanced age, and the perception of Joe Biden as someone who is no longer at all who he was four years ago.“So much so that, driven by the mockery of Donald Trump who speaks of “Sleepy Joe”, it has become the central subject of the campaign.”Joe Biden’s performance last night only aggravated his fears or at least made the Republican Party rejoice“, ajoute Amy Greene.

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In front, “we saw a Donald Trump who was very combative, very aggressive. That said, much more disciplined in his aggression than we have seen in other electoral events“, analyzes the teacher, even if she qualifies”This does not mean that he has become a sheep, but in any case, it is true that he was much more measured in this aggression.“, facing a Joe Biden “who had a slightly broken voice, who sometimes had trouble finishing his sentences.”

Immigration and abortion at the heart of the campaign

For the American public who turned to this debate precisely to begin to have an idea of ​​who the two candidates are, even if everyone knows more or less who the two are, it is true that this little music of a Joe Biden who is not capable of even going through with this campaign – let alone a second term – was exposed last night“, to the point that Donald Trump asked him to submit to a cognitive test to verify that he has all his mental faculties.

On the background, “Two themes are at the heart of this campaign: immigration and abortion“, selon Amy Greene : “We know that for those who are concerned about immigration to the United States, 8 out of 10 people tend to want to vote for Trump. And conversely, it’s the same rate of people who support Biden as those who are worried about abortion. So the interest of each candidate is to bring the debate back to this subject“.


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