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what these protesters would do in the event of an RN victory

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LEGISLATIVE – Three days before the legislative elections, the mobilization is not weakening. Thousands of people gathered again against the extreme right at Place de la République, in Paris, this Thursday, June 27 in the evening. This time, no procession but a festive gathering, punctuated by concerts and speeches by personalities (Judith Godrèche in particular) and activists.

Many of them responded to the call from media committed to the left (Mediapart, Political, Freeze frames…, unions (CFDT, CGT, Confédération paysanne, FSU…) and many associations (Attac, Greenpeace, Abbé Pierre…) Under the sun and to the sound of militant songs, the atmosphere was in support of the New Popular Front. It was especially one of mobilization against the National Rally of Jordan Bardella, largely ahead in voting intentions and widely given the favorite in the polls.

Protesters were asked what they would do if the National Rally won on Sunday July 7. While some don’t even want to consider it, others have already planned to follow the results with friends, like Judith, “because it’s going to be very difficult”The 29-year-old student anticipates ” the despair “ but adds that he “We must not let ourselves be defeated”. The first reaction of David, 35, is obvious: “I’m already crying”he said. in our video report at the top of the article.

“Youth will continue to annoy the National Front”

Many plan to demonstrate as soon as the results are announced if the RN is in the lead. “Our first reaction will be to take to the streets. We will continue to say that young people will continue to annoy the National Front, even in government.”says Salomé, 24 years old, vice-president of Unef, student union.

And after July 7? Some are also already planning the continuation of their mobilization. In addition to continuing the demonstrations, Ange, a 26-year-old production manager, would try to make “prevention” with his relatives who would have voted RN, for “try to understand why they made this choice”.

Théo, a 27-year-old architect, would adopt a less gentle approach: “I would do resistance like there was in the past, just to remember our ancestors who fought against the fascists.”. The game is not yet over, but these French people are ready.

Also see on Le HuffPost :

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