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Gas prices, simplification of the DPE, Olympic Way on the ring road… everything that changes on July 1

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FRANCE – July marks the start of the summer holidays and, for the first time in 100 years, the opening of the Summer Olympic Games in France. From the creation of a savings plan for young people to the simplification of the energy performance diagnosis for housing, As you can also see in the video at the top of the article, Le HuffPost takes stock of the new features which come into force from this Monday, July 1st.

• Fight against « shrinkflation »

It is now mandatory for traders to inform consumers in the event of a ” reduction ”, commercial practice also known as “ shrinkflation “. It consists of reducing the quantity of a product while maintaining or raising its price.

“This information must be provided by distributors in large and medium-sized stores, in the immediate vicinity of the products concerned”specifies the Ministry of Economy. The information must remain in place on the shelves “during the two months following the date of marketing of the industrial food and non-food products concerned (bottles of soda, packets of rice, laundry detergent or canned goods, for example), whether they are national brand products or distributor brands.”

• A new savings plan for young people

From this Monday, those under 21 will be able to open a “future climate savings plan” (PEAC). The objective? Allow them to save up to 22,950 euros and mobilize the funds thus collected to finance the ecological transition.

It will only be possible to open one account per person, with parental authorization for minors. And unlike other similar products such as the housing savings plan, the PEAC does not offer fixed remuneration whose rate is decided by the public authorities.

The PEAC gives subscribers the opportunity to invest their savings in various vehicles (shares, bonds, etc.), specifies the Ministry of the Economy. The funds will be blocked until the holder reaches the age of majority, provided that a minimum blocking period of five years is respected.

• Simplification of the DPE

Good news for some 140,000 homes, according to the government website Service public. The method of calculating the energy performance diagnosis (DPE), which classifies homes from A to G, is changing for properties of less than 40 m2. This simplification “aims to make these different thresholds fairer and to remove a certain number of small areas from the category of “energy sieves””, adds the site.

For the accommodation concerned, this will also allow “ to lift the ban on renting these properties to give owners time to consider renovating them ».

• Opening of the Olympic routes

Although the Paris 2024 Olympic Games do not open until July 26, the consequences of the event on traffic conditions in the Île-de-France region are gradually being felt. After the temporary closure of several metro stations and the extension of line 14, it is now the turn of the Île-de-France motorways to adapt.

Of the “Olympic ways” come into force on July 1 on 185 km of roads around the capital, in particular on the Paris ring road on the section between Porte de Vanves and Porte de Bercy (passing through the north). They will be reserved for the circulation of vehicles accredited by Paris 2024, in order to facilitate the athletes’ journeys.

Also affected are the A1 between Roissy-Charles de Gaulle and Porte de la Chapelle, the A4 between the Collégien interchange and Porte de Bercy, the A12 between Rocquencourt and Montigny-le-Bretonneux and the A13 between Porte Maillot and Rocquencourt. The circular boulevard of La Défense will also accommodate an Olympic lane.

Increase in gas prices

As at the beginning of each month, the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) updates its “reference prices” for the supply of gas. If it is given ” for information “ and that operators are free to set their selling price, this benchmark price nevertheless gives a trend. And this is strongly on the rise at the start of summer, with an increase of 11.7% compared to June, the consequence of a increase in wholesale gas prices and an increase in the transmission rate to maintain the networks.

For several weeks, some suppliers such as EDF and Engie have informed their customers that they will pass on the increase to their bills. TotalEnergies has indicated that it will pass it on to certain offers.

This is also happening this month:

After the first round this Sunday, June 30, voters are called to go to the polling stations on July 7 for the second round of the early legislative elections.

• As of July 31, the online correction service for the 2024 income tax return will return to, until December 4, 2024 inclusive.

Also see on Le HuffPost :

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