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Economy, immigration and bickering… What to remember from the first Biden-Trump debate?

The first debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump took place last night at CNN studios in Atlanta, marking the start of the presidential campaign. In an intense face-off, Trump launched scathing and personal attacks against Biden, peppering his arguments with misleading statements. The outgoing president, at times overwhelmed, struggled to defend his record while countering Trump’s persistent attacks. A performance which deeply worried the Democratic camp.

Freewheeling, Trump deliberately ignored the moderators to focus his energy on talking only about his favorite topics: inflation and illegal immigration. Since his opponent was not very lively, he had plenty of time to unfold his arguments.

Personal attacks are flying

One of the most tense moments of the debate was an argument over recent D-Day ceremonies in France. Biden accused Trump of refusing to enter a military cemetery, saying there were “suckers” and “losers.” Visibly emotional, Biden addressed Trump directly, saying, “You’re the sucker! You’re the loser!” Trump immediately denied the accusations.

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Economic assessment against migration project

Donald Trump opened the debate by sharply criticizing the current economic management. He accused Biden of mismanagement, while reiterating his tough positions on immigration and claiming that his opponent’s policies encouraged insecurity and fueled inflation. In response, Joe Biden defended his economic record by highlighting the job creation and steady economic growth under his administration. He criticized Trump for his tough immigration policies and stressed the importance of a humanitarian and security-based approach to managing migration flows.

Cautious diplomacy

Internationally, Trump has criticized Biden over his dealings with China, accusing him of being too accommodating to Beijing. Biden has stressed the need for careful diplomacy to address global challenges, including climate change, a priority of his presidency.

“You’re a kid.”

Joe Biden is 81, Donald Trump is 78. Although they are only three years apart, there is a clear difference in liveliness between the two candidates. When journalist Dana Bash asks about Biden’s age, he opts for sarcasm by pointing out his neighbor: “This guy is three years younger and much less competent.” Except that his opponent is not laughing at all. In response, Trump explains that he has submitted to two cognitive tests and “passed them brilliantly.” What follows is a whimsical exchange about the two candidates’ golf performances. “I think I’m in very good shape,” he declares, claiming to feel as good as he did 25 or 30 years ago. Both candidates are called to order by the journalists. “Let’s not act like children,” insists Trump. To which Biden responds: “You’re a kid.”

Trump Wins, Democrats Worried

Despite avoiding answering several questions, former President Trump remained calm in the face of Biden’s attacks. The fact of cutting the microphones during everyone’s interventions seems to have benefited him. Biden appeared weakened on economic and immigration issues, his political opponent’s favorite subjects, while failing to capitalize on important issues like abortion.

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In an interview on CNN, Vice President Kamala Harris admitted that the president had some “starting difficulties” but finished strong. Behind the scenes, however, and according to CNN, Democrats are organizing to discuss the possibility of asking Joe Biden to withdraw from the presidential race.


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