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inflation at the heart of a confused first debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump

Premier round. A few months before the November presidential election, the two contenders for the White House, the current tenant, President Joe Biden, and former President Donald Trump, had a meeting on Thursday in Atlanta (Georgia) for a first televised debate. Donald Trump chaining together false assertions with aplomb, Joe Biden showing himself to be offensive in substance but very confused in terms of form.

The two American presidential candidates clashed over inflation, immigration and Ukraine during their first duel. “ Inflation is killing our country “, immediately affirmed the 78-year-old former Republican president, extremely comfortable, repeating an argument that he knows carries with Americans, and assuring that his rival was doing ” bad job », despite robust growth and healthy employment.

The 81-year-old Democrat, whose voice is often hoarse in front of the cameras CNNthe channel organizing the debate, attacked a subject that it knows is delicate for the billionaire, reproaching him for his action “ terrible » against the right to abortion. He also accused Donald Trump of “ to lie » by affirming that illegal immigration was causing crime to soar, before moving on to more personal ground.

The Democrat recalled that his opponent was a ” repeat offender “, after being found guilty in a case of concealed payments to a former porn actress, and ruled that he had the ” moral sense of a depraved person “, repeatedly calling him “ crybaby ».

A judicial system “ rigged », selon Trump

« I did not do anything wrong “, replied the former president, indicted in several other cases, affirming that the judicial system was “ rigged “. The Republican, who never conceded defeat in 2020, did not commit to unconditionally recognizing the verdict of the ballot boxes in November, assuring that he would accept it if the election was “ fair and equitable ».

Donald Trump, without going as far as the insults with which he peppers his campaign speeches, affirmed that his rival was “not not cut » to be president, and presenting him as a weak leader. “ He has become like a Palestinian, but they don’t like him because he is a very bad Palestinian. A weak (Palestinian) », Launched the Republican, in reference to Joe Biden’s policy in the face of the conflict between Israel and Hamas. The war in Ukraine would never have happened if the United States had a ” leader “, he also assured.

Donald Trump also challenged Joe Biden to submit to a ” cognitive test “, boasting that he himself had spent two and that he had ” shines “, before boasting about his golfing skills while his rival sported a mocking smile.

The former real estate developer made a series of false statements and exaggerations, without the intervention of the two journalists from CNN livening up the evening. The latter, in addition to asking questions, essentially ensured that everyone’s speaking time was respected, cutting off the microphone as soon as it was up, which prevented untimely interruptions.

US presidential election: Donald Trump and Joe Biden supported by billionaires in their race for the White House

Very divided Americans

The two men, who frankly hate each other, did not shake hands when they arrived on the set of the channel CNN. According to a reporter briefly admitted to the set, they did not exchange a glance during the first commercial break.

The debate, barring surprises, should not move the lines much, in a country where political polarization is extreme. But the stakes are no less enormous: if one of the two candidates manages to attract a few independent voters, this could be enough to give him the advantage in November, as the election promises to be close.

For this, Joe Biden must in particular reassure about his vitality and his health, and in this regard, his performance on Thursday is likely to be seen as a missed opportunity, even if he gained in ease over the course of the debate.

« I don’t understand what he’s saying, isn’t that sad? “I’m not going to vote for the Democrat,” said Hazel Reitz, 55, watching a Republican debate in San Francisco. But she’ll still vote for the Democrat in November.

Inflation: a theme at the heart of the American campaign

« He caused inflation. I left him a country with almost no inflation, it was perfect. “, Donald Trump again lamented. A sign of its importance, the issue of rising prices that have reduced Americans’ purchasing power since 2021 opened the debate between the two candidates. Joe Biden accused his predecessor of having ” actually decimated the economy. This is why there was no inflation ». « We are working to bring down the prices of products on the kitchen table, and we will achieve it », assured the democrat.

This week, 16 Nobel laureates in economics signed a letter, in which they say: deeply concerned about the risks of a second Trump term for the American economy “. Between the promised increases in customs duties, prolonged tax cuts, or even the deportations of foreigners at the border, which would drastically reduce the available workforce, inflation could return with force. “ There is a real fear that Donald Trump will revive this inflation, with his fiscally irresponsible budgets. », alert these economists, including Joseph Stiglitz, Claudia Goldin – the latest winner -, and George Akerlof – husband of the current Secretary of the Treasury, Janet Yellen.

Housing, food, leisure… prices have climbed by around 20% since Joe Biden arrived in the White House in January 2021. Compared to barely 6% during Donald Trump’s term. After peaking at 9.1% in June 2022, inflation has fallen sharply since then, and was only 3.3% last month.

(With AFP)


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