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Public transport prices are increasing from July 1st!

From July 1, 2024, Toulouse public transport users will have to dig into their pockets. Indeed, Tisséo, the Toulouse network manager, is increasing most of its fares according to a fare schedule established in 2022 and valid until 2026. While the price of a single ticket remains unchanged at €1.80, all other fares are increasing by an average of 2%, a level lower than inflation according to Jean-Michel Lattes, president of Tisséo Collectivités. Despite everything, this increase risks weighing on the budgets of Toulouse residents who use the metro, bus, tram or cable car every day.

Details of the new rates for the general public

Here are the main changes for the general public as of July 1:

  • The 10 trip ticket goes from €15.10 to 15,40 € (the price reduced from €11 to €11.20).
  • L’7 day subscription increases from €16.80 to 17,20 €.
  • L’31 day subscription from €56 to 57 €.
  • L’annual subscription paid in one go from €568.40 to 587,10 €.
  • The last minute ticket taken only on the bus goes from €2 to 2,50 €.

Increases also for young people and specific groups

Job seekers, retirees and disabled people also see their prices increased, except for level 4 which remains free. For level 1, 31 day subscription goes from €28 to 28,50 € et the annual from €284.20 to 293,50 €.

On the youth side, while scholarship students in level 7 will continue to receive free tuition, the others will see increases:

  • For the under 26 not in schoolthe monthly subscription goes from €17.20 to 17,70 € and the annual from €174.60 to 182,30 €.
  • THE non-scholarship students see their 7-day subscription rise from €13.10 to 15 € and the annual from €133 to 154,50 €.

An increase justified by the heavy investments to come

For Jean-Michel Lattes, this increase in prices is necessary to guarantee a quality transport offer and finance large-scale projects such as the 3rd metro line, estimated at 3.1 billion euros. In total, Tisséo must invest 4.8 billion euros in the coming years to develop and modernize the Toulouse network.

Each resource must therefore be mobilized in a balanced manner to contribute to this colossal investment effort. Despite these increases, Tisséo ensures that the Toulouse network remains one of the cheapest in France, particularly for young people. Not sure that this is enough to convince users…

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