DayFR Euro

did you say “mobilization”?

“Whoa, whoa” : this is what comes to mind every year, when the winners of the Agence Qualité Construction photo competition are revealed, the aim of which is to“Avoid disorder, learn through images!” This 19th edition, made public at the end of June, kept its promises, with a dramatic concert of construction disorders that certainly sometimes make you smile, but above all whose educational value should not be forgotten! During its Construction Quality meeting organized in Paris on June 20, 2024, the organization did not fail to recall the importance of risk culture, listing in particular the main serial pathologies observed.

Prevention is better than cure because often, the awakening is painful and much too late! One disorder leading to many others… isn’t that right Mr. Murphy?

Murphy’s Law

On another front and not the least, it is also a wake-up call with “hangover” which is feared, on July 8, 2024 the day after the second round of the legislative elections, as underlined by Loïc Cantin, president of Fnaim, at the opening of the National Conference on Housing and the City (a Batiactu Group event) So, without taking refuge in alcohol like Boris Vian who “systematically drinks to forget”“, it was rather a call for general mobilization of the sector that we witnessed this Tuesday, June 25. Because the programs are perhaps now known, these subjects, however essential, do not yet emerge enough in the political sphere.

Are you with me ? (Are you with me?)

During this inaugural round table, the Housing Alliance, in one serious and combative symphony wanted to show the face of a united front and call for a genuine land use planning policy to be found, in collaboration with local authorities. A policy that would thus be territorialised and not decentralised, taking into account the specificities of each person, in all fairness. And which could also, stressed during an interview with Batiactu the general director of Hexaom, Loïc Vandromme, allow the French people for whom it is still their dream to live in a house. The developers thus recalled that they are doing their part by transforming themselves in depth, but that the public authorities also have a major role to play, by investing more alongside the French people, on this essential subject that is the residential pathway.

“I’m sorry, so sorry”

THE MEA culpa or political opportunism?Enough is Enough ” (enough is enough!) responds the industry in unison. Let’s stop considering housing policy through a budgetary prism, it’s “a social policy and regional planning” which must be discussed, insists Yannick Borde, president of Procivis, at the Assises.

Many more of them took action this week, such as architects, the renewable energy sector, and many others.

“And, feeling hated, without hating in turn/Yet fight and defend yourself”

A united front, there was also much discussion on the side of social housing, in the face of attacks against the values ​​of solidarity, justice and equality brought to them by the projects of discrimination in access to housing, advocated by the extreme right, during these elections. The Social Union for Habitat (USH) on the front line, but also Cap habitat in Île-de-France, or even Valdely and others who recalled that the right to housing was a “essential human right”. Hard to believe it but yes, it must be remembered again thatToday we no longer have the right to be hungry or cold!

Get up, stand up

Finally, let us note the very beautiful intervention of the architect Raphaëlle-Laure Perraudin, president of Lieux Fauves, who underlined at these same Conferences, as well as during an interview with Batiactu, the importance of an architectural approach and development of our territories, based around the fundamental values ​​of life, ethics and sustainability: finding the right balance, harmony respectful of humans and nature, working with what is already there and everything, fully listening to each other.

All we have to do is hope for a bright tomorrow! First round of voting, this Sunday, June 30.


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