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2024 Legislative Elections: Audrey Dufeu (Renaissance) wants to resume her work as a deputy


Coralie Durand

Published on

June 27, 2024 at 4:30 p.m.

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Elected MP for the Saint-Nazaire region (Loire-Atlantique) in 2017 with the En marche wave, Audrey Dufeu had to leave her seat in the National Assembly after being defeated by Matthias Tavel in 2022. After two years, these legislative elections bring her back to the forefront. Two years where she was heard little or not at all. “I refocused on my professional life,” she explains. “And I didn’t want to become a commentator on local political life. I want to be an actor in it.”

Fighting extremes

Very quickly, it was invested by Renaissance, then Ensemble pour la République (to which were added the Modem, Horizons, the UDI, the Radical Party).

I had to take my responsibilities in the face of the rise of extremes. I did not want the constituency, which is close to my heart, to fall back into the hands of the far left.

A speech that we also hear from Xavier Perrin, her dissident PS opponent. Facing him, the candidate claims a national investiture and an interest “in the issues of the country”.

“People know me”

Always loyal to the President of the Republic since his election in 2017, Audrey Dufeu risks suffering from a sanction vote against Emmanuel Macron. But she refuses to find the image of the head of state bad. “On the ground, people talk to me about purchasing power.” The one who considers “to have been a good MP” thus claims her results until 2022: “the reduction of hospital debt, the development of offshore wind power, the fight against pollution in Yara, that I have been a the first to denounce. People know me and know that I know how to be courageous.”

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The president is criticized for having favored the rise of the far right. False, replies the candidate. “Racism was present in 2016. We were then in a deadlock situation with the end of François Hollande’s mandate and the rebels. Today, the indicators are better, a return to the past is not possible.”

His substitute is Bassem Neifar

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