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Emmanuel Macron denounces RN’s comments on dual nationals

The President of the Republic strongly denounced this Friday, June 28, from Brussels, “the uninhibited speech” of recent days, “racism” and “anti-Semitism”, as the first round of legislative elections approaches.

“It’s disgraceful and ridiculous, but above all it’s disgraceful.” Emmanuel Macron spoke early this Friday, June 28, on the sidelines of the European summit in Brussels and spoke out against the comments made in recent days by leaders of the National Rally on dual nationals.

The far-right party, which is at the top of voting intentions for the legislative elections on Sunday June 30, is proposing to ban certain “sensitive” jobs for dual nationals. On BFMTV, RN deputy Roger Chudeau indicated that future ministers could be affected by this measure. A “personal opinion” which does not bind his party, according to him.

“France was built by great figures. I recall that among the first elected representatives of the Republic, there were non-French people who made our Republic (…) To be able to say that today is a dissolution of minds and consciences I cannot resolve it and I will never resolve it, whatever happens,” declared Emmanuel Macron.

The President of the Republic evokes “the uninhibited speech” of recent days, “racism” or “anti-Semitism”, as the first round of the legislative elections draws closer.

“We must be outraged. It is not just a vote, it is the very possibility of living together,” insists Emmanuel Macron.

“And so, whether it is Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, all the ministers and all the parliamentarians, but all the women and men who, in our country, are French and who have another nationality because their family history, because the history of life, because exile, the choices of love or professional life have made it so, bring to our country And therefore we must, with strength, not forget. what is our motto. This is France, and it will always be that,” concludes the President of the Republic.

Emmanuel Macron was reacting to the comments of outgoing RN MP Roger Chudeau, who spoke on BFMTV about “a problem of dual loyalty at a given moment” for binational ministers.

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