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a thirty-year-old indicted for murder and imprisoned • TNTV Tahiti Nui Télévision

The suspect in the murder of Taapuna, this Tuesday, during his presentation to the investigating judge in charge of the investigation. (Credit: TNTV)

After 48 hours of police custody in the premises of the gendarmerie’s Research Section, the suspect, aged 35, was presented to an investigating judge, as announced by our colleagues at Tahiti Infos.

During his hearing before investigators, this father of 4 children denied being responsible for the death of the victim discovered at her home, lifeless, on the evening of June 17. Before the investigating judge this Tuesday, the man, however, chose to remain silent. The magistrate indicted him for murder, theft and fraud.

Faced with the judge of freedoms and detention, the suspect did not speak either. He asked for more time to prepare his defense and will be summoned again by the magistrate next week. He was imprisoned in Nuutania until this new appearance.

« This is a file that looks set to be difficult. »

Me Bruno Loyant, the defendant’s lawyer

Because despite his denials, several serious and consistent clues weigh against him. The thirty-year-old was in fact filmed by surveillance cameras, a few hours after the victim’s death, while he was using the latter’s credit card, for which he had the secret code, in several ATMs. He was also in possession of her mobile phone and had used her vehicle.

« This is a case that promises to be difficult. But the ongoing investigations are being conducted smoothly. They will result in either my client’s innocence or his guilt, thanks in particular to DNA analysis. But he denies any involvement in this murder. “, his lawyer Bruno Loyant told TNTV.

A second man was also taken into custody as part of the investigation. He was released after his hearing without being worried at this stage. Investigations will continue.


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