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Occitan, Breton, Wolof, Swati… what are the 110 new languages ​​that Google Translate is offering starting this Thursday?

Starting this Thursday, June 27, 2024, Google Translate offers 110 new languages. Find out which languages ​​are now available.

Again and again. Google, the web giant, is making a big splash by adding no fewer than 110 new features to its Google Translate service. These are in addition to the 133 already existing, says BFMTV. In this news which was released this Thursday, French regional languages ​​such as Occitan and Breton appear.

Languages ​​from around the world

“These new languages ​​represent more than 614 million speakers, opening the way to translations for approximately 8% of the world’s population.”welcomes Google, relayed by Le Figaro. Now you can translate texts into Afar, a language spoken in Djibouti, Eritrea and Ethiopia, but also Punjabi spoken in Pakistan or Cantonese, Wolof, Swati.

“Some are major languages ​​in the world, with more than 100 million speakers. Others are spoken by small indigenous communities, and a few have almost no native speakers but are making revitalization efforts”specifies the company represented by a multi-colored G.

Target 1,000 languages

133 languages ​​were available in the Google Translate service, but the web giant does not want to stop there. Although it is the “biggest update since the launch of Google Translate”the goal is to reach the 1,000 most spoken languages ​​on the globe using an artificial intelligence model, Google launched in 2022.


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