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Regulate prices and create more jobs… the measures of the candidates of the 7th constituency

Continuation and end of our overview of the candidates’ programs for the candidates in the running for the early legislative elections of June 30 and July 7. We finish our grand tour of the 7th district (Photo rb/

This municipality includes the cantons of: Les Avirons, L’Etang-Salé, Saint-Leu I, Saint-Leu II, Saint-Louis I, Saint-Paul IV, Saint-Paul V, Les Trois-Bassins

According to INSEE figures from 2022, 117,900 people were registered on the electoral lists.

The outgoing deputy is Perceval Gaillard.

During these elections, there will be ten candidates.

– Karim Juhoor/Lucette Palas (DVG)
– Isaline Tronc/David Aipar (DVG)
– Thierry Robert/Murielle Zitte (DVC)
– Jean-Luc Payet/Xavier Lapierre (Far left)
– Sandrine Moukine/Bruno Valéama (Stand Up France)
– Nathalie De Boisvilliers/Stéphane Chen-Tzu-Kuong (Reconquest)
– Richelain Catherine/Marie-Line Bègue (DIV)
– Cyrille Hamilcaro/Line Baillif (DVD)
– Perceval Gaillard/Geneviève Payet (New Popular Front)
– Jean-Luc Poudroux/Nicolle Crollard (National Rally)

– Restore citizens’ “standard of living” –

Freezing the prices of basic necessities is a redundant term in all the programs this year. Whether it is for food, energy or even fuels as the outgoing MP, Perceval Gaillard, is putting forward.

The increase in the minimum wage is also part of the candidates’ programs. For Perceval Gaillard, the latter should increase to 1,600 euros net, as well as a 10% increase in the civil servants’ index point.

Jean-Luc Payet also wants an increase in salaries, pensions and allowances.

Sandrine Moukine also wants pensions and salaries to be indexed to inflation and even an 8% salary increase, i.e. “a 13th month thanks to the reduction in salary costs”.

It is the invoices that must be touched for the candidate Jean-Luc Poudroux.

For Thierry Robert, the main thing is “to no longer be in the red on the 10th of the month”. He also wants to increase the minimum wage and set up a pension of at least 1,200 euros.

According to Karim Juhoor, the application of the Lurel law on the blocking of prices on non-food products must be broadened.

But also remove the dock dues on products not originating from Reunion Island with State participation to compensate for the shortfall of communities.

For Isaline Tronc, “we must give citizens back their standard of living” by controlling margins and setting up State compensation through additional costs for the transport of foodstuffs and products essential to citizens.

In order to help families, Cyrille Hamilcaro proposes regulating the prices of basic necessities but also free schooling for all as well as total tax exemption for parental expenses linked to children’s studies.

– Create more activities and jobs –

On the issue of employment, Isaline Tronc wishes to facilitate access to employment for single-parent families and those in precarious situations.
Thierry Robert supports employment for VSEs, SMEs and artisans.

Launching an industrialization plan is what Karmi Juhoor is proposing. This is to fight against mass unemployment by investing in personal support services and in preserving the environment.

He also wants to see a tax credit introduced for any new job for a long-term unemployed person.

For his part, Cyrille Hamilcaro wants to free up economic energies and create more activities and jobs. This is done by establishing an economic creole identity, by freeing up the use of cash to boost growth and promote employment.

But also by promoting the creation of a universal minimum income with a social activity contract.

– A right to housing for all –

Housing for all is also what the majority of candidates are asking for.

Thierry Robert announces that he will vote for all laws allowing the construction of the 30,000 missing social housing units in Reunion and will strengthen the renovation of housing, while limiting price speculation.

For Isaline Tronc, we must make the right to housing a reality with decent housing.

– Strengthen the number of law enforcement officers –

On security, Perceval Gaillard wants to strengthen the police force.

Thierry Robert also puts forward this idea, arguing that he should vote for measures increasing the resources of the gendarmerie, the national and municipal police so that order is maintained and justice can do its job with real, rapid sanctions.

Jean-Luc Poudroux advocates an end to judicial laxity towards delinquents and criminals.[email protected]

News from Reunion Island, Politics, Legislative 2024


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