DayFR Euro

Has France become this country of hate, a country of shit?

CEvery day that passes and brings us closer to the 30th, makes me dizzy, scares me. I can’t sleep anymore, it’s true, and anger is rising at the same time as the polls in favor of the extreme right. As for me, you know, it goes first towards this great manipulator, this monster of hypocrisy, cynicism and perfidy, who got himself elected against the National Rally twice after having made it rise and before giving it the keys to the country.
Panicked a few days before an announced rout that would mortally wound his monstrous ego, he is guilty of the worst maneuvers by presenting the French left as a danger to the Republic in the same way as the extreme right. He betrays both the spirit and the republican tradition, the seven previous presidents who, whatever the esteem we have for them, have never so deeply fractured the country, at the foot of the abyss, of the cataclysm. In our eyes, humanist, universalist, environmentalist activists, he is already struck with national indignity. One day, it will be France that judges him thus.
The left has always ensured social progress, fairness, the well-being of the greatest number, integration in a spirit of fraternity. It has too often shown itself to be cautious, it has even unfortunately capitulated, but it has never broken with its ideals – and I am willing to express legitimate doubts about Hollande. Of course, in 1936, already confronted with the process of Nazification of Germany, Italy, Spain, the Popular Front could not escape this spiral leading to the terrible Second World War, but it has never compromised itself in these shenanigans and alliances as they are occurring today.
We have the blatant proof that the financial circles, the big patrons – rather than agreeing on a need for rebalancing society, a form of sobriety, humility and solidarity on their part – prefer to make a pact with this brutal, exclusionary, totalitarian current of thought. Under their orders, it is the media that seem to me to show the most unhealthy complicity. Not by ideology, but by pure opportunism (the watchword of liberalism), cowardice and, too often, by greed.
This morning I turned on my phone like always and instantly came across a photo of Bardella. No image had ever appeared to me, this morning yes! It’s a mess there! A bad joke or something? No, a nightmare! At a very young age, there was a name I had never heard of: Outbrain . In reality, this thing – I can’t define it otherwise – displayed the magnificent portrait of the Valkyrie champion, recommending me an article from Gala. Gala, nothing less!
Once the moment of shock had passed, I wanted to consult the weather channel website, because it is better to talk about the weather, but before accessing the desired information, guess what? Yes, yes, another portrait of Bardella appeared to me once again, still by Outbrain and in recommendation of Gala. Super-worked photo of the well-coiffed young man with the face of an angel and captioned: “ A good little neighbor » in reference to the testimony of the one who knew him as a child. A good little one, I couldn’t have said it better, it sure looks like it to me!
In all my states – that is to say normal these days – I went to find out what this O could be.utbrainwho had just inflicted this vision of horror on me in ten minutes and ruined my day. So sit down, if you are used to reading my column standing up: ” Outbrain is an IT company founded in 2006 by Yaron Galai and Ori Lahav in Israel, specializing in sponsored link recommendation. Outbrain’s technique consists of installing personalized recommendation technology. It is used on various major media sites. ” All right ! I won’t add any superfluous comments, except that you can end up with this crap on your screen without ever having asked for anything. It must be similar to this artificial intelligence which explains to you who is a “ good little neighbor » for which you must vote.
Here, I repeat, is the perfect demonstration of mass manipulation by the financial media. Who do you prefer? The nice Bardella or the ugly Mélenchon of the far left?
We could allow ourselves to burst out laughing if it did not have a major impact on a good part of the population. Those who will vote with their fears, rather than with their heart and head. That we find in all social circles – from the boss to the small employee including the farmer -, in all territories and seem devoid of human conscience.

I can’t sleep anymore, I can’t live anymore, at the utterance of this single question: has France really become this country of hatred, a country of shit?


With Médiapart

Freedoms! Faced with the extreme right, let’s open up hope

Whether you have a few hours or just a few minutes to spare, go see what happened yesterday Place de la République

To laugh despite everything
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