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Why the mayor of Douarnenez Jocelyne Poitevin supports Liliana Tanguy rather than Marc Raher for the legislative elections

Among these ten elected officials, we find Jocelyne Poitevin, mayor of Douarnenez, president of Douarnenez Community and vice-president of the Department for the Alliance for Finistère, a union of the right and the center on a Finistère scale. The choice made by Jocelyne Poitevin could be surprising, as the right-wing Les Républicains party has nominated a candidate in the constituency in the person of Marc Raher, first deputy in Juch and vice-president in Douarnenez Community within the executive of Jocelyne Poitevin.

“Clear with my convictions”

“I have always said that I am moderate, someone who is liberal but without being excessively liberal. I was a member of the Republicans, I am no longer. Liliana Tanguy’s candidacy corresponds more to my values. I am clear with my convictions and I discuss with both the center-right and the center-left,” explains Jocelyne Poitevin. “I have absolutely nothing against Marc, we have explained this and he knows why I do not support him in this campaign,” continues the mayor of Douarnenez.

“Disappointed but not surprised”

Marc Raher says he is “disappointed but not surprised. Jocelyne Poitevin supports Liliana Tanguy, a former member of the Socialist Party, she is free to choose. I have been right-wing, liberal for 30 years and I haven’t moved an inch.” Marc Raher also sees this choice as a consequence of his positions at Douarnenez Community: for example, he had shown his support for Philippe Audurier, former president of the community of communes who was pushed to resign by Jocelyne Poitevin and her team in the spring of 2023. “I have the support of the Juch municipal council, that is enough for me. But I would like the municipal councilors of Jocelyne Poitevin to speak out in turn and say whether they want an elected official involved in the area or not,” concludes Marc Raher.


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