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Prices will not increase for boaters in Toulon harbor

We can’t quite speak of a show of force yet. But with a second demonstration in a month by boaters in front of the Var prefecture, the movement is slowly starting to gain momentum.

This Thursday morning, while TPM elected officials met in the metropolitan council, around a hundred small boat owners met at Les Lices to express their anger. Banner and smoke bombs were out, with this message: “No to abusive increases.”

Since the Portelo group (bringing together the companies Eiffage and Sodeports) took over the management of ten marinas in Toulon harbor last year (1)discontent has spread to the pontoons.

The reason for the wrath: the 14% price increases decided for those with a year-round ring and 18% for those passing through. An increase that the metropolitan assembly had to validate this weekend… before a last minute change of program.

“Go to court if necessary”

“The deliberation was removed from the agenda,” came to announce Benoit Pelletier to the demonstrators.

The chief of staff of the president of TPM Jean-Pierre Giran explained to the group that a reflection would finally be carried out “to rework the file and see what can be done”before a meeting between the two parties “end of August, beginning of September”.

If the gesture was welcomed by Seynois Yvon Legras, the leader of the protest remains nonetheless cautious. “There are elections this weekend, so they are delaying”believes the president of the Petite Mer nautical society.

“But this delay is a step forward: it also gives us time to set up our Committee for the Defense of Boaters in Toulon Harbour, which will allow us to go to court if necessary.” Bringing together nine associations, this “CDPRT” must ultimately be the voice of the 3,000 boaters in the harbor. Enough to push Portelo back? This is what Francis, who came from Saint-Mandrier to express his disappointment, hopes: “Most of us are retirees, with small pensions, There, if nothing changes, we will end up with prices higher than what is practiced in Cannes and Menton, but without the services!”

1. Exceptions made for Saint-Louis and Saint-Elmo.


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