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Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Day: call for serious support

Every June 27, the world celebrates World Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Day. According to the UN, they represent 90% of businesses and generate 50% of GDP worldwide. They constitute a real backbone of economies and are essential for development. In DR Congo, Patricia Temuni, founder of African New Market International, a business support firm, highlights its contribution to the growth of the local economy.

Stanislas Kambashi, SJ – Cité du Vatican

According to the UN, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) contribute to maintaining livelihoods, particularly for the working poor, women, youth and groups in vulnerable situations. They constitute 60 to 70% of jobs and contribute enormously to local and national economies. In the Democratic Republic of Congo, “informal work is a norm“. According to the World Bank, it represents between 82 and 90% self-employed workers. These are saleswomen, shoemakers, seamstresses, street vendors, etc., said Patrcia Temuni in an interview with Radio Vatican-Vatican News. In Kinshasa, the capital, one in two workers is recruited by a small and medium-sized enterprise, which represents approximately 80% of the workforce. These companies are not only job creators, but above all they are an engine of growth for the economy and social development of Congo. And in most sectors, they contribute more than 70% of the gross domestic product, a figure which could reach 80% according to some estimates, noted the Congolese entrepreneur.

Follow the interview given to Vatican News by Patricia Temuni

The African New Market International, a real engine of growth

Among Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in the Democratic Republic of Congo, there is ANMI, African New Market International, founded by Patricia Temuni and based mainly in Kinshasa, the capital. It is a consulting firm specializing in supporting companies through complete transformation processes. She also assists companies and organizations in their growth and also works on human expertise: the recruitment and training of staff in companies. ANMI provides support to several companies in different areas, particularly in supermarket distribution. She also collaborates with telecommunications companies and works in a collaboration project with certain banks in Kinshasa. “ANMI contributes to providing employment, therefore contributing to the development of the Democratic Republic of Congo», declared the entrepreneur. Despite the harassment encountered on the ground, ANMI is playing its role.

Patricia Temuni, Congolese entrepreneur and founder of African New Market International (ANMI)

Challenges to overcome

«In general, it is difficult to get support from institutions in Congo. The state doesn’t support small businesses unless you know someone who knows someone who could help you.», lamented the founder of ANMI. This explains why many are unable to hold on because of the difficulties encountered. However, the state has committed to providing necessary support to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises with the creation of several entities such as the National Agency for the Development of Congolese Entrepreneurship or the Regulatory Authority in the private sectors or the guarantee funds for Congolese entrepreneurship. But on the ground, nothing concrete is being done, notes Patricia Temuni. Micro and small enterprises, which, at launch, need financial and structural assistance, receive neither support nor assistance from these bodies that work more for large organizations and not for small businesses, she regrets. The Congolese state should, for example, eliminate taxes for young businesses for at least two years to allow them to create profitability for the business, since young entrepreneurs generally do not receive funds to start either.», she suggests. «And also, instead of creating large institutional frameworks which are not very suitable for the creation of small businesses, it would be more suitable to have small incubators which would be closer to entrepreneurs», suggested the founder of ANMI.

A difficult path but not impossible

If many people, especially young people, are afraid or hesitant to take initiatives, “launching into entrepreneurship, when you are young, is an asset“. It’s a difficult path, certainly, but not impossible. “It is not necessary to have salary experience to create a business and especially to succeed. I think it’s a great adventure, provided above all that you surround yourself with the right people and are supported. Above all, it takes a lot of self-sacrifice, sacrifice and determination.“, declared Patricia Temuni, particularly encouraging young people. You need good supervision to get started, to be well surrounded by good advisors and good support, she advises. Furthermore, “there are entrepreneurship guarantee funds and institutions that have been established to support small and medium-sized businesses“. Good ideas, courage and firmness can be of great help, believes the Congolese entrepreneur. “I therefore encourage young people to get started and I hope to be among those who can support young entrepreneurs in the future“, she said.

An important day to mark with a strong point

A day like this is worthy of celebration, in order to raise public awareness of the immense economic and social contribution of micro, small and medium enterprises. It is a call to do more both at the level of actors and institutions. The essential place of MSMEs in the market of a country’s economy should be taken seriously by those in power, believes Patricia Temuni. Reducing unemployment and promoting the socio-economic development of society is a huge asset, especially for developing countries, she added. “For me, I think it is really necessary for the state to take its responsibilities and promote small and medium-sized businesses since they represent a good percentage of the country’s economy. And they also contribute to reducing unemployment“. The authorities are therefore called upon to increase political will through incentive measures which would encourage the emergence of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in the future, concluded the founder of African New Market International.


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