DayFR Euro

Catalonia: the bus catches fire and sets the neighboring forest ablaze, a campsite evacuated and high-speed trains interrupted

The fire was caused by a bus which caught fire on the national 20 near Montblanc.

A major fire broke out in the town of Montblanc, near Tarragona in Spain, following a bus accident on the RN 20 this Thursday afternoon. Fortunately, the bus was not carrying any passengers, but the fire spread to the nearby forest.

We continue to work on this fire and for now we are focusing our efforts on the head of the right flank to prevent it from spreading again in the direction of the campsite.


— Firefighters (@bomberscat)

The fire came dangerously close to Camping Montblanc Park which was initially contained before firefighters made the decision to evacuate it, reports the ACN website. All those present were able to exit through a portal located opposite the fire. Civil Protection triggered the Infocat plan alert, explains channel 324.

Initial estimates show 15 hectares destroyed. Catalan firefighters are still working to fight the fire. More than 40 trucks and 10 helicopters are involved.

The fire also caused the total interruption of train traffic on the Lleida-Tarragona high-speed railway line between Espluga de Francolí and Alcover.


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