DayFR Euro

François Hollande wants a “republican withdrawal” from the RN, Jean-Luc Mélenchon calls not to do the “stupidity” of voting for the extreme right

The question of the barrier to the National Rally arises for the Macronists

The question of blocking the National Rally arises in the presidential camp, which refuses to take a position before Sunday, while the far right accuses the left of wanting to contest ” in the street “ his victory announced.

Even before the first round, the second round of July 7 is already on everyone’s minds: Wednesday, the boss of the Ecologists, Marine Tondelier, asked the leaders of the presidential majority for “simple and clear commitments” of mutual withdrawal in the event of triangular for “beat the National Rally candidates”. “When a Republican candidate is opposed to a National Rally candidate, we will support the Republican candidate […] And you ? »she wrote to them, offering them a meeting.

“We will do it without any expectation, without any expected compensation”added the head of the PS, Olivier Faure, on the 8 p.m. news on TF1, inviting the Macronists to ” return the favour “ calls for a Macron vote that he had launched in the second rounds of the last two presidential elections.

“There has not yet been a first round so, by definition, there is no doctrine”Prime Minister Gabriel Attal indirectly responded to them, on the sidelines of a trip to Parçay-Meslay (Indre-et-Loire). “I understand that this echoes the anxieties and questions that many French people are asking themselves, […] but the surest way to not have to choose between La France insoumise and the National Rally is to vote in the first round for our candidates”he added.

On Tuesday, the head of state and the executives of his majority seemed to be moving towards a slogan « you RN, you LFI » during a videoconference, distinguishing Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s movement from the other parties of the left alliance. One participant, however, assured that the president had not ” slice “.

François Bayrou is more categorical: “I am in exactly the same position as expressed by around thirty left-wing political leaders, Bernard Cazeneuve, Manuel Valls, Julien Dray, and which is to say in one sentence “We will neither vote for a candidate of the National Rally, nor for an LFI candidate”explained the boss of MoDem on France 5 on Wednesday evening.

The boss of Horizons, Edouard Philippe, for his part reserved his position “on the subject in the evening and the day after the first round”saying he hopes that a « espace central »including part of the left and the right, imposes itself as ” an alternative “ to the “pincer” between RN and LFI.

The President LR of the Senate, Gérard Larcher, for his part warned in The Parisian that he cannot “never vote for an RN or New Popular Front candidate”targeting the entire alliance – socialists included and not just LFI –, believing that “what they propose and what they represent is the opposite of the interest of the country”.

But on the left, the second round strategy is not unanimous either. If the socialists and ecologists have signed an appeal in favor of a withdrawal to beat the RN, also initialed by several Macronists including Clément Beaune, the Rebels will see for their part ” case by case “warned LFI MEP Manon Aubry.

Wednesday evening, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, however, wanted to be more firm on LCI: “No Insoumis voter, I am certain, will never give their vote to the National Rally. And we will tell them that no one has to do this stupid thing, whatever their motive.”he declared, specifying that voting instructions would be given on Sunday evening after the first round of voting.

One month before the Olympics, the executive has in any case endeavored to show that it is ” ready “ for this deadline. “Now how it unfolds is another story”warned the Minister of Sports, Amélie Oudéa-Castera, recalling that“there will be trade-offs in terms of security and transport”. “All this requires a little experience in state management”she continued, accusing the National Rally of having “always selfless” from JO “or to have only stirred up controversies”and the Rebels to have “systematically voted against all Olympic laws” claiming that they “know nothing about the security system of the Games and have even called for a form of sabotage with strikes before and during the Games”.


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