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Jogger attacked by wolves: stable condition, complaint filed, investigation opened… What we know five days after the serious accident in the Thoiry zoo

In a state of absolute emergency, because of the attack by wolves of which she was the victim last Sunday during her jogging, the 37-year-old young woman decided to file a complaint against the Thoiry zoo (Yvelines), for security breaches .

Seriously injured by wolves during her jogging, the 37-year-old victim filed a complaint against the Thoiry animal park, in Yvelines, for breaches of safety obligations on the part of the zoo, according to her lawyer.

As a reminder, Sunday June 23, 2024, a client of the Thoiry zoo (Yvelines) had spent the night in hotel accommodation in the park, alongside her mother and her 2-year-old daughter, and had gone for a jog on next morning, around 9 a.m. The 37-year-old young woman then found herself in a safari zone, closed to pedestrians. She saw a bear on her left and a wolf on her right.

Despite her attempt to remain calm, maintain eye contact and retreat, she was spotted by the wolf, who followed her and attacked her calves. Two other wolves joined the first and bit the victim on the thighs and back, causing him to fall, before attacking him on the neck. Rescued by a caregiver who was nearby, she was transported to hospital by the firefighters and the Samu in a state of absolute emergency.

Investigation opened for unintentional injuries

Although his condition remains stable for the moment, the victim still cannot speak, due to an injury to the larynx. However, an investigation into unintentional injuries has just been opened by the Versailles public prosecutor’s office. “She hopes that her case serves to establish sufficient standards in terms of security in this animal park so that this never happens again,” said her lawyer, Me Ouihoun.

For its part, the zoo indicated in a press release that it had launched an internal investigation to “analyze all the circumstances which may have led to this accident”.


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